30.01 Definitions
Elected Officers
30.10 Election procedure
30.11 Removal for misconduct, inability, or neglect
30.12 Abolition of office
30.13 Creation of elected offices prohibited
30.14 Mayor
30.15 Council members
Non-elected Officers
30.20 Creation of offices
30.21 Appointment and removal
30.22 City Administrator
30.23 City Treasurer
30.24 [Repealed]
30.25 City Clerk/Billing Clerk
30.26 City Attorney
Compensation of Officers and Employees
30.30 Elected officers
30.31 [Reserved]
30.32 City employees and non-elected city officers
30.33 Fees and commissions
30.34 Equating of compensation rate of Mayor and Council members with purchasing power of the dollar