(A)   The nomination and election of candidates for city office shall be under nonpartisan city election laws as provided in KRS 83A.050, 83A.170, and 83A.175.
   (B)   The city shall forego conducting a nonpartisan primary election for the nomination of candidates to city office, regardless of the number of candidates running for each office, pursuant to KRS 83A.050(2)(b).
   (C)   The city shall pay the costs of city elections only if city elections are held at a time other than prescribed by law for elections generally.
(Ord. 81-12, passed 2-16-81; Am. Ord. 81-14, passed 3-19-81; Am. Ord. 88-19, passed 10-17-88)
Statutory reference:
   Election Procedure, See also KRS 83A.050