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In the implementation of snow and ice removal and other maintenance of the County’s secondary road system during the winter months, the County Engineer shall select the actual sequence of roads to be cleared as provided for in this section, and shall determine when drifting, wind velocity and additional snow or snowstorms require that the snow removal equipment be removed from the roadway, or that additional clearance of paved roads be accomplished prior to the clearance of gravel and dirt roads. The County Engineer’s professional judgment shall prevail unless it is clearly erroneous.
1.   Paved Routes.
   A.   The initial effort will be to get all routes open to two-lane traffic as soon as possible and/or practicable. During initial snow removal operations, paved roads may only have one lane plowed for a period of time.
   B.   After two-lane travel is possible, subsequent snow removal will be carried on during normal working hours.
   C.   The truck-mounted snow plows and spreaders will not normally be in operation between the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. The trucks may be called off the road if snow and blowing reduces visibility to hazardous working conditions, in the professional judgment of the County Engineer.
   D.   When required, due to drifting snow, motor graders may be used to keep the paved roads open and the opening of gravel roads may be delayed.
   E.   It is not the policy of the County to provide a “dry” pavement condition.
   F.   After roads have been plowed as provided in this section, intersections, hills, and curves may have salt, sand, or other abrasives placed on them. These intersections, hills and curves may not be re-sanded, re-salted, or have other abrasives replaced on them between snowstorms.
There is no time limit after a snowstorm in which any of the above sequence of clearance, on paved or unpaved roads, shall take place.
2.   Unpaved Roads.
   A.   The initial effort will be to get all routes open to one-lane traffic as soon as possible and/or practicable after a storm has passed.
   B.   After one-lane travel is possible, subsequent snow removal will be carried on during normal working hours.
   C.   Motor graders and/or truck plows will not normally be in operation between the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. The motor graders and/or truck plows may be called off the road if snow and blowing reduces visibility to hazardous working conditions, in the professional judgment of the Engineer.
   D.   Snow may not be removed from roads designated Level B.
3.   Private Drives. The County will not clear snow from private drives. Normal snow removal operation may result in snow being deposited in private drives. Snow from private drives shall not be placed on the roadway or shoulders.