If any person, firm or corporation shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, shall do any act prohibited herein, shall fail to perform any duty lawfully enjoined, within the time prescribed by the Fire Prevention Chief or shall fail, neglect or refuse to obey any lawful order given by the Fire Prevention Chief in connection with the provisions of this chapter for each such violation, failure or refusal, such person, firm or corporation shall be fined as determined in § 10.99. Each day a violation continues after the enforcement officer causes the citation to be issued against the violation constitutes a separate offense. This penalty shall not begin to run until a citation has been issued for the violation to appear in court. Payment of such penalty shall in no way effect any of the other remedies or enforcement procedures stipulated in this chapter, including a temporary or permanent injunction against the ordinance violation.
(Ord. 31-1988, passed 8-2-1988)