   Rule (L) Section 112.3 of the Ohio Fire Code, 2005 Edition, shall be and is hereby amended to establish the following fire safety inspection fees:
   (a)   The fire inspector shall require fire safety inspection fees for inspections of non- residential buildings and structures as follows:
(1)   Initial annual inspection      No Charge
(2)   Second reinspection
      Building Size         Fee   
   Up to 10,000 square feet      $150.00
   10,001 to 25,000 square feet      $200.00
   25,001 square feet and above      $250.00
(3)   Third reinspection
      Building Size         Fee   
   Up to 10,000 square feet      $200.00
   10,001 to 25,000 square feet      $250.00
   25,001 square feet and above      $300.00
   (b)   If it is determined by the Fire Chief and/or the Inspector that the correction of the particular violation requires more than thirty (30) days after the initial inspection to complete because of its complexity or expense, the Fire Chief and/or Inspector may establish a reasonable compliance timetable for that specific violation before fees are imposed.
      (Ord. 20(10-11). Passed 4-1-10; Ord. 235(10-11). Passed 8-4-11.)
   1501.02 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Ohio Fire Code as adopted herein is to prescribe minimum standards and regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion.
   1501.03 APPLICATION.
   The Ohio Fire Code as adopted herein applies to the use of all lands and properties within the Municipality and such other lands or properties owned by the Municipality which are situated outside the corporate limits thereof.
   1501.04 ENFORCEMENT.
   (a)   No person shall serve as Municipal Fire Safety Inspector unless he has received a certificate issued by the State Board of Emergency Medical Services under former Ohio R.C. 3303.07 or 4765.55 evidencing his satisfactory completion of a fire safety inspection training program.
(ORC 3737.34)
   (b)   For Municipal criminal proceedings, the complaint, warrant or summons, or the issuance of a citation in minor misdemeanor cases shall be, as is prescribed in the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure, by referencing the numerical designation of the applicable Municipal ordinance, including the specific provision of the Ohio Fire Code, or any order issued pursuant thereto, provided such order fixes a reasonable time for abatement of the violation. State enforcement proceedings for violation of Ohio R.C. Chapter 3737 or the Ohio Fire Code shall be as is prescribed in Ohio R.C. 3737.41 to 3737.46.
   (c)   A copy of such complaint or citation shall be prominently posted at or near each place a violation referred to occurs.
   (d)   Upon request of the Municipal Fire Safety Inspector, the Municipal Legal Officer shall institute and prosecute any necessary action or proceeding to enforce this chapter or Ohio R.C. Chapter 3737.
   1501.05 COMPLIANCE.
   (a)   No person shall knowingly violate any provision of the Ohio Fire Code as adopted herein or any order issued pursuant thereto.
(ORC 3737.51(A))
   (b)    No person shall fail to comply with the fire prevention measures or fire protection activities as prescribed in the Ohio Fire Code, or fail to obtain a permit or license for the various uses or activities as required by such Code, or fail to comply with the Municipal application and plan submission and processing requirements including payment of the fees designated therefor.