(A) Construction and replacement of public sidewalks. All sidewalks constructed, repaired, and/or replaced shall be constructed of portland cement concrete and shall be poured-in-place at the site.
(B) Repairs of existing sidewalks. Any existing sidewalks may be repaired with the same type of material; provided, that more than 90% of the entire front footage of the premises of one owner is in a condition acceptable to the Building Commissioner, otherwise it shall be replaced by a portland cement sidewalk.
(C) Sidewalk specifications. Portland cement concrete walks and portland cement concrete handicap ramps shall be five inches thick and of one course construction, being laid directly on the prepared subgrade. They shall be composed of Class “C” concrete containing 6+ or - 2% of entrained air in accordance with Item 499 of the Construction and Material Specifications, State Department of Transportation. The width and grade of all new and replaced shall be as provided in § 55.02.
(1) Excavation for the walk shall be made to a depth of five inches below the proposed finished grade, and to a width of three inches more on each side than the width of the proposed walk. All tree roots exposed by excavation shall be cut off at least three inches outside the lines of the new walk and three inches below the subgrade. After having been evenly fine graded, the subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted with a five-ton roller. Where the use of a roller is impracticable, the subgrade shall be compacted by heavy tamping. If springs are encountered, drains shall be laid as directed by the Engineer.
(2) Forms may be either steel or sound two- inch plank and shall be straight, true and clean. The forms shall be set true to line and grade and firmly staked down. Where curved walks are required, thin strips or forms that will produce a smooth, regular curve shall be used. The alignment, elevation, and slope of all walks shall be subject to special directions from the Engineer. Full width walk at its junction with the curb shall usually be one-fourth inch above the curbing. Also, the slope of full width walk shall be five-sixteenths inch per foot up from the curb to the building line. Any variation from these details will be shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer.
(3) Concrete for portland cement concrete walks shall be of plastic consistence and shall be placed on the prepared subgrade in one operation. It shall be struck off and truly straightened, and neatly hand floated until all coarse aggregate is entirely covered. Before the concrete sets, the surface of the walk shall be cut into blocks with a jointer, and the edges tooled until they are firm and smooth. The blocks shall be cut to straight lines generally rectangular, measuring usually not less than two or more than five feet on the side. The design of the blocking shall be subject to special direction of the Engineer. After the walk has been blocked out, the concrete shall be carefully floated to a smooth and uniform surface. The margin of each block shall then be tooled with the edger or jointer to a smooth, dense finish. These final edger or jointer marks shall not be floated out.
(4) Around street and stop sign posts, the walk shall be blocked out in one-foot squares. Around utility poles, the walk shall be blocked out in two-foot squares.
(5) Expansion joints shall be provided at such intervals, not exceeding 30 feet, as the Engineer may direct. Joints shall be made of preformed material, one-half inch thick and five inches wide, meeting the requirements of Item 451 of the Construction and Material Specifications.
(6) The same type of joint shall be constructed at all joints between the new walk and the curb, between the new walk and all new entrance walks and driveways, and between the curb and all new entrance walks. Also, the same kind of material one-fourth inch thick and five inches wide shall be installed around all poles, fire hydrants, cellar holes, inlets, and the like. Where cement walks are laid along steel faced curbs, expansion joints shall be installed in conformity with the joints in the curbs. The breaking or displacement of curbs or the buckling of walks due to lack of proper expansion joints shall be made good by the contractor at his or her own expense.
(7) It is understood that all work must connect with the adjoining work in a reasonable manner, to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
(8) Portland cement concrete walks shall be cured in strict accordance with the provisions of § 451.10, Construction and Material Specifications, State of Ohio Department of Transportation, as follows.
(9) Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed and after the free water has disappeared, all exposed surface of the concrete shall be sealed by spraying thereon a uniform application of curing membrane in such a manner as to provide a continuous uniform film without marring the surface of the concrete. The material shall be applied with an approved self-propelled mechanical sprayer. Wind protection to the spray fog shall be provided by an adequate shield. A minimum of one gallon of material shall be used for each 150 square feet of surface treated. Curing material shall be thoroughly agitated immediately prior to use.
(a) On small or irregular areas which are inaccessible to the mechanical spray machine, the curing material may be applied by a hand spray.
(b) As soon as the forms have been removed, any honeycomb areas shall be immediately corrected and the edges of the pavement coated with the curing material. Any areas of pavement film that may have been damaged during the sawing shall be resprayed during this operation.
(c) Concrete placed after October 31 and prior to April 1 shall be cured by used of resin base curing compounds, or burlap mats, water-proof paper, polyethylene sheeting or water-proofing curing blankets. Curing shall be applied as soon after the finishing operations as possible without marring the surface of the concrete. The entire surface of the top and sides of the newly placed concrete shall be covered and maintained covered for seven days, unless specimen beams have attained a modules of rupture of 600 psi.
(d) The contractor shall be responsible for protecting the concrete from freezing until beams attain a strength of 600 psi.
(e) The above requirements for curing are minimum requirements only. Any concrete showing injury or damage due to inadequate curing shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at no additional cost.
(10) (a) When the temperature is below 40°F, or predicted to go below 36°F, in the next 24 hours, or predicted to go below 32°F in the next 72 hours, no concrete pavement shall be poured without the express permission of the Engineer. Permission so granted shall be for the day and location in question only and must again be requested on subsequent days when the temperatures are as above.
(b) When such permission is granted, the following requirements must be met.
1. No concrete shall be poured until adequate covering material is on the side and a sufficient number of workers are present to expedite the finishing and covering to keep both as close behind spread as is practicable.
2. All forms shall be cleaned of all frost. In no case shall concrete be poured on frozen ground or subgrade on which there is frost.
(11) The contractor shall, after removing the strips used in screening the walk, fill the spaces left by the removal with fine earth well compacted. When there is a lawn space between curb and walk, this shall also be neatly dressed to conform to grade of walk and curb. The earth shall also be well banked against the property line side of the walk.
(D) Concrete driveways across public sidewalks.
(1) The concrete for driveways shall be Class “C”. The driveways shall be seven inches thick and of the length and width ordered by the Engineer. The driveways shall be constructed in strict accordance with the standard drawings on file in the Col. Donald L. Shanks Municipal Building which show the details of construction along the various types of curbs.
(2) Excavation shall be made and the subgrade shall be evenly fine graded and solidly compacted with a five-ton roller. Where the use of a roller is impractical, the subgrade shall be compacted by heavy tamping. Forms may be of either steel or sound two-inch plank, and they shall be straight, true and clean. The forms shall be set true to line and grade firmly staked down and well braced. Concrete shall be placed in accordance with the requirements for sidewalks and shall be given an even and uniform float finish. Preformed expansion joint filler one-half inch thick shall be placed on both sides between the driveway and walk and the driveway and the curb. If the driveway is over 30 feet long, the joint filler along the curb shall be one inch thick.
(3) Concrete driveways shall be cut into blocks, the same as a walk and shall be cured in strict accordance with the requirements for sidewalks.
(2000 Code, § 56.09) (Ord. O-31-92, passed 9-14-1992) Penalty, see § 10.99