When used in this chapter, the terms defined in the subordinate sections hereunder shall have the meanings herein assigned unless a different meaning is clearly indicated. Derivative expressions shall have the corresponding derivative meanings.
COMMISSIONER. The Building Commissioner of the village.
ENGINEER. The Village Engineer.
MAYOR. The Mayor of the village.
SIDEWALK. The portion of a street lying between the established or presumable curb line and the adjacent property line; the portion set aside for pedestrian use. The curb shall be considered a part of the SIDEWALK.
(2000 Code, § 56.01) (Ord. O-31-92, passed 9-14-1992)
(A) The normal width required for new construction is 10% of the dedicated width of the right-of-way in which construction is to be made. In the event of an existing walk within the block being wider or narrower than the required width; then the Village Council may allow the original width to be replaced or allow new construction to retain this width.
(B) The normal grade for new construction shall be parallel to the existing street and/or curb grade or in the case of unimproved streets shall be parallel to the established grade. The surface of all walks shall have a transverse slope of one-quarter inch per foot of width with the low side adjacent to the curb or roadway. In the event of hardship, the slope and grade of the walk may be altered from these requirements. The Village Engineer will set grades and slopes and where necessary place stakes to line and grade for construction.
(2000 Code, § 56.02) (Ord. O-31-92, passed 9-14-1992)
(A) Permits for making openings in village sidewalks shall be issued only by the Building Commissioner and only for some duly authorized purpose. Applications for sidewalk opening permits shall be made on forms provided by the village. The application shall give the size and location of the proposed opening and shall state the kind of material where the cut is to be made.
(B) The permit shall be issued only after ample security has been given the village to ensure the proper restoration and subsequent maintenance of the sidewalk material disturbed. Such security shall be in the form of a bond in such sum as set by the Council of the village.
(2000 Code, § 56.03) (Ord. O-31-92, passed 9-14-1992)