(A)   Pole specifications.
      (1)   All antennas shall be mounted in a cylinder form and concealed within a shroud at the top of the support structure. There shall be no exposed equipment (conductors, wires, conduit, etc.).
      (2)   All undergrounded equipment, including any pull boxes or other cabinetry, shall be located entirely underground and flush with existing sidewalk or ground surface.
      (3)   Poles shall be tapered in diameter from the base to the top, with a maximum diameter of 12
inches at the base and a maximum diameter of eight inches at the top.
   (B)   Maximum height.
      (1)   The maximum permitted height for private wireless support structures, antennas and associated small cell facilities shall not exceed 40 feet in height above established grade as measured at the base of the wireless support structure, except as provided below.
      (2)   The maximum permitted height for private wireless support structures, antennas and associated small cell facilities shall not exceed 35 feet in height in areas meeting the following criteria:
         (a)   The area is within 500 feet of the proposed site for a new wireless support structure in the same or connecting rights-of way, and there are no existing wireless support structures or utility poles greater than 30 feet in height above ground level;
         (b)   The maximum permitted height for building construction in the district is 35 feet in height above ground level or less.
   (C)   Objective concealment standards.
      (1)   Monopole installations shall be situated so as to utilize existing natural or man-made features including topography, vegetation, buildings, or other structures to provide the greatest amount of visual screening.
      (2)   All antenna components and support equipment shall be treated with exterior coatings of a color and texture that matches the existing wireless facility.
      (3)   Antenna panels or other equipment shall be wired in a manner minimizing exposed cables.
      (4)   All new utility lines shall be located underground where already present and wherever feasible.
(Ord. O-15-20, passed 6-8-2020)