(A) Street opening permits are issued by the Building Commissioner. Applications and permits shall be on forms and provided by the village.
(B) The application shall give the location and dimensions of the proposed opening, the purpose for which the opening is to be made, the kind of pavement or surface to be opened, and the approximate date that the opening will be made. The period of time allowed for closing an opening will be governed by the size and nature of the opening. If the work is not completed within the time designated on the permit, the permit may be cancelled and a cancellation charge of $4 applied.
(C) If the work has been started but not completed within the time allowed, the permit may be cancelled. If cancelled, a cancellation charge, plus all accrued restoration charges shall be paid by the permittee.
(D) Before the work can proceed, a new permit must be secured under the same procedure as required in starting a new job.
(E) All applications for mains, conduits, manholes, and other major subsurface structures shall be accompanied by a plan and typical cross section showing, as nearly as possible from records available, the location of the existing underground structures and the location of the proposed structure. Plans shall be submitted in triplicate. See sample drawings in Appendix A. The issuance of a permit will be based on the approved plans. No work which deviates from an approved plan shall be performed unless and until an approval of the change of plan has been secured from the Building Commissioner.
(2000 Code, § 153.02) (Ord. O-23-81, passed 10-26-1981)