(A)   Generally. Other than that permitted by the provisions of this chapter no building shall be erected, converted, enlarged, reconstructed or structurally altered:
      (1)   To exceed the maximum height;
      (2)   To accommodate or house a greater number of families;
      (3)   To occupy a greater percentage of lot area; or
      (4)   To have narrower or smaller rear, front or side yards than are specified herein for the district in which such building is located.
   (B)   Principal building.
      (1)   No more than one principal building shall be permitted on any one lot unless otherwise specifically stated in the Zoning Chapter.
      (2)   More than one townhouse, multi-family, commercial or industrial building is permitted on one lot; however, the building shall be considered as one building for the purpose of determining front, side and rear yard requirements.
      (3)   No principal building shall be erected on a lot which does not abut on at least one street by its full frontage.
   (C)   Temporary uses.
      (1)   The following regulations are necessary to govern certain uses which are of a non- permanent nature. For such uses requiring temporary zoning permits, at least seven days before the instigation of such use, an application for a zoning permit shall be made to the Zoning Administrator, which shall contain a graphic description of the property to be used, a description of the proposed use, and a site plan, with sufficient information to determine the yard, setback, parking and sanitary facility requirements for the proposed temporary use.
      (2)   The following uses are deemed to be temporary uses and shall be subject to the specified regulations and time limits which follow, as well as the regulations of any district in which they are located:
         (a)   Real estate sales offices, which shall contain no living accommodations, shall be permitted within any district for any new subdivision for a period of one year, except that 2 six-month extensions may be granted if conditions warrant. Such offices shall be removed upon the completion of the sales of the lots therein, or upon the expiration of the zoning permit, whichever occurs first.
         (b)   Temporary buildings, offices, and equipment and storage facilities required in conjunction with construction activity may be permitted within any district for a period of one year, except that six-month extensions may be granted if construction is substantially underway. Such uses shall be removed immediately upon completion of the construction or upon expiration of the zoning permit, whichever occurs first.
         (c)   Temporary sales and services may be permitted within parking areas within any business district. A zoning permit valid for a period not to exceed four consecutive days shall only be issued three times within any 12 month period to any individual or organization. The application for the temporary zoning permit shall be accompanied by written permission of the property owners, and shall be prominently displayed at the site. The Zoning Administrator shall not issue a permit for such temporary use if he or she determines that it encroaches upon more than 25% of the required parking area.
         (d)   Temporary retail sales and services, such as sales of plants, flowers, arts and crafts, farm produce or similar items on lots other than parking lots, including any lot on which an existing business is operating or on which a business is vacated, may be permitted for any for-profit individuals or organizations in any business district. A zoning permit valid for a period not to exceed two consecutive days shall only be issued three separate times for any particular lot within any 12 month period and not more than one permit may be issued at the same time for any lot. The applicant must submit a current vendor's license or transient vendor's license, and a written statement from the property owner giving his or her permission for such use. This section shall not be interpreted to prohibit any such use in any case where a valid covenant or deed restriction specifically authorizes such use. In any case, the zoning permit shall be prominently displayed at the site.
   (D)   Private swimming pools.
      (1)   Restriction. No such swimming pool shall be allowed in any residential or business district except as an accessory use to a residence or as a private club facility.
      (2)   Exclusive private uses. The pool is intended and is to be used solely for the enjoyment of the occupants of the principal building of the property on which it is located and their guests.
      (3)   Distance requirements. The pool may be located anywhere on the premises except in required front yards, provided it shall not be located closer than ten feet to a property line of the property on which it is located.
      (4)   Fencing. The swimming pool, or the entire property on which it is located, shall have a wall or fence of not less than four feet in height with a gate and lock as to prevent uncontrolled access by children from the street or from adjacent properties.
      (5)   Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate the pool area shall be so arranged as to deflect the light away from the adjoining properties.
      (6)   Permit required. No person shall construct or install a swimming pool or make any alterations therein or in the appurtenances thereof without having first submitted an application and plans therefore to the Zoning Inspector.
   (E)   Minimum living floor area per single-family dwelling units.
      (1)   One-story buildings.
         (a)   The minimum for a single-family dwelling without a basement shall be 900 square feet of living area.
         (b)   The minimum with a basement shall be 900 square feet of first floor living area.
      (2)   One and one-half story buildings. The minimum for a single-family dwelling shall be 750 square feet of first floor living area, and a total of not less than 1,150 square feet of living area on both floors, excluding basements.
      (3)   Two-story buildings. The minimum for single-family dwelling shall be 750 square feet of first floor living area, and a total of not less than 1,100 square feet of living space area on both floors, excluding basements.
      (4)   Multi-level buildings. The minimum for a single family dwelling shall be 1,250 square feet of living space area, with a minimum lot coverage of 900 square feet, excluding basements.
   (F)   Siting requirements - approved industrial units and site built units. Approved industrial units and site built units shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   The structure shall be installed upon and properly attached to a foundation system that provides adequate support of the structure's vertical and horizontal loads and transfers these and other imposed forces, without failure, from the structure to the undisturbed ground below the frost line;
      (2)   The structure shall meet the minimum floor area requirement of § 154.020, and the structure shall have a minimum width of primary livable floor space of 23 feet and a minimum length of 23 feet;
      (3)   The siting of the structure shall comply with all yard and setback requirements in effect for the district for which it is proposed;
      (4)   The siting of the structure shall comply with all parking requirements in effect for the district for which it is proposed; and
      (5)   The structure shall conform to all other regulations in effect for the district in which it is located.
   (G)   Siting requirements - unapproved industrial units. Unapproved industrial units proposed to be located in the Residential, Business, or Institutional Districts shall comply with the following requirements:
      (1)   The structure shall bear a label certifying that the unit is built in compliance with the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction Safety Standards Act of 1974, which became effective June 15, 1976;
      (2)   The structure shall be installed upon and properly attached to a foundation system that provides adequate support of the structure's vertical and horizontal loads and transfers these and other imposed forces, without failure, from the structure to the undisturbed ground below the frost line;
      (3)   All hitches, axles, wheels and conveyance mechanisms shall be removed from the structure;
      (4)   The structure shall meet the minimum living floor area requirements of § 154.020, and the structure shall have a minimum width of primary livable floor space of 23 feet and a minimum length of 23 feet;
      (5)   The siting of the structure shall comply with all yard and setback requirements in effect for the district for which it is proposed;
      (6)   The siting of the structure shall comply with all parking requirements in effect for the district for which it is proposed; and
      (7)   The structure shall conform to all other regulations in effect for the district in which it is located.
   (H)   Zoning of unapproved industrial units. Unapproved industrial units which were built prior to enactment of the Federal Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974, which became effective June 15, 1976, or built subsequent to such Act but not certifiable to compliance with it, shall be permitted only in approved manufactured home parks.
(Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 154.999