(A)   Generally. No person, whether principal or agent, shall open or conduct a temporary store or other place, including vehicles, for the selling of wearing apparel or any other goods, wares or merchandise within the village on a temporary basis, or offer any such article for sale, without first obtaining a license therefor from the Chief of Police.
   (B)   Fee. The fee for a license shall be $100 and shall be paid to the Chief of Police. The license shall be valid for one week, except on Sundays.
   (C)   Daily license.
      (1)   If the transient dealer or solicitor is selling goods on village property for 24 consecutive hours or less, on regular intervals during the summer season, it may obtain a summer season license, which shall be valid for one day per week from May until September for the year in which the license is validated.
      (2)   The fee for the summer season license is $100 and must be submitted, along with the appropriate application and proof of an insurance policy in the amount of $1,000,000 with the village named as a co-insured to the Chief of Police for approval.
   (D)   Event license.  
      (1)   If the transient dealer or solicitor is selling goods on village property for a period of four days or less in conjunction with an event in which multiple transient dealers or solicitors are also selling goods for the same time period, the sponsor or organizer of the event may obtain an event license, which will be valid for a certain period of time, not to exceed four days.
      (2)   The fee for the event license on village property is $250 and must be submitted, along with the appropriate application and, if the event is on village property, proof of an insurance policy in the amount of $1,000,000 with the village named as a co-insured to the Chief of Police for approval.
(Ord. 32, 2005, passed 1-12-2005; Am. Ord. 5, 2007, passed 4-17-2007; Am. Ord. 8, 2007, passed 5-24-2007; Am. Ord. 12, 2015, passed 1-13-2016) Penalty, see § 111.99