134.01 Definitions
134.02 Application of provisions
134.03 Criminal damaging or endangering; vehicular vandalism
134.04 Criminal mischief
134.05 Criminal trespass; aggravated trespass
134.06 Petty theft
134.07 Unauthorized use of a vehicle
134.08 Unauthorized use of property
134.09 Passing bad checks
134.10 Exclusions
134.11 Injuring vines, bushes, trees or crops
134.12 Permitting noxious weeds and grass in excess of eight inches in height to grow
134.13 Unauthorized parking of recreational vehicles and mobile storage units
134.14 Unauthorized maintenance of unlicensed or junk vehicles
134.15 Littering and deposit of garbage, rubbish, junk, etc.
134.16 Railroad vandalism; criminal trespass; interference with operation of train; grade crossing device vandalism
134.17 Desecration