18-3-1   Litter control
18-3-2   Vehicles and watercraft
18-3-3   Buildings, structures and accessory improvements
18-3-4   Land
18-3-5   Blowing landscape waste
18-3-6   Preservation of natural desert
18-3-7   Dilapidated buildings prohibited
18-3-1 Litter control
A.   No person shall throw, deposit or dump any litter or debris on any land.
B.   A person may store litter and debris in a secure receptacle with a tight lid for collection if the receptacle is maintained so that litter and debris are prevented from being blown or deposited on any public place or adjacent land.
C.   Only as permitted by law, a person may store litter and debris within any building.
18-3-2 Vehicles and watercraft
A.   An owner and/or occupant of land where an abandoned or junked vehicle, or a vehicle or watercraft being restored or undergoing major repair, is located, shall store the vehicle and watercraft in an enclosed area so that the vehicle and watercraft are not visible from any point outside the land. A vehicle or watercraft cover is not an enclosed area, unless the vehicle or watercraft is fully within a carport.
B.   Except as otherwise permitted by law, there shall be no more than two abandoned or junked vehicles on any property.
C.   Except as otherwise permitted by law, no person shall display a vehicle or watercraft for sale on land of another or within the right of way.
D.   No person shall park a vehicle or watercraft on any street or public place for the principal purpose of washing, greasing or repairing the vehicle or watercraft, except repairs necessitated by an emergency.
18-3-3 Buildings, structures and accessory improvements
A.   The owner and/or occupant of a building shall maintain all exterior building surfaces to be free of blight and graffiti.
B.   The owner and/or occupant of land where a structure and/or an accessory improvement is located shall maintain the accessory improvement free of blight and graffiti.
18-3-4 Land
A.   The owner and/or occupant of land shall maintain the land free of:
   1.   Blight, garbage, litter or debris;
   2.   Noxious exhalations and other airborne irritations, including, but not limited to, smoke, soot, dust, fumes or other gases, offensive odors or other annoyances;
   3.   Plant growth, infestation and any other condition that encourages infestation or otherwise adversely affects the health and safety of individuals or the public.
   4   Grass higher than nine inches, poison oak, poison ivy, and weeds; or plant growth that is dead, dry, uncultivated or overgrown.
B.   In addition to the requirements of subsection A of this section, the owner and/or occupant of land shall also maintain the following areas free of grass higher than nine inches, poison oak, poison ivy, weeds, blight, garbage, litter and debris: adjacent rights-of-way from the back of the curb or edge of paving in the street, through the owner's and/or occupant's land, to the centerline of any adjacent alley or right-of-way, if present.
C.   In addition to the requirements of subsection B of this section, the owner and/or occupant of a business shall maintain the parking lot, lighting and landscaped areas adjacent to or surrounding the business in good repair and free of grass higher than nine inches, weeds, garbage, litter and debris.
D.   The owner and/or occupant of a business that sells or accepts soil, vegetation, landscape material, trash, recycling or any similar commodity shall maintain the property entry, exits and adjoining right of way free from debris, deposits, pollutants and safety hazards.
E.   The owner and/or occupant of land that has been subject to dumping on more than one occasion shall take measures to secure the land to prevent future dumping. The measures may include erecting a fence, constructing a ditch and berm, or placing four-foot high posts at four-foot intervals. Any measures under this subsection shall be taken only in conformance with required permits.
F.   Except as otherwise permitted by law and by the landowner in writing, no person shall place clean fill or fill dirt on land of another.
G.   The owner and/or occupant of land where a pool is located shall maintain the pool to avoid health or safety hazards, infestation, pollution, stagnation and blight.
H.   Agricultural activities regulated by state law are excluded from this section.
18-3-5 Blowing landscape waste
Use of a leaf blower shall be limited to blowing landscape waste on the user's property and shall not result in landscape waste being blown into the public roadway or another's property.