The following definitions apply to this chapter.
A. Native plant plan: A plan that specifies the proposed treatment of protected native plants being disturbed by development.
B. Noxious or invasive species: Species not native to Marana and adversely affecting species native to Marana. Noxious or invasive species include but are not limited to desert broom, tamarisk, Mexican palo verde, buffelgrass, and tree of heaven.
C. NUOS: Natural undisturbed open space.
D. Plant community: An area of vegetation dominated by one or more species that creates an environment that is beneficial, unique, or valuable to the desert ecosystem.
1. Climate, elevation, soil type and other factors ultimately determine the limits and boundaries of particular plant communities.
2. Examples of a plant community dominated by one species are grassland and creosote bush association, or a grove of trees, for example a mesquite bosque.
3. These communities can form almost pure stands of single species.
4. Examples of co-dominant communities are Cottonwood-Willow and Palo Verde - Saguaro associations.
E. Ridges/peaks: Raised land formations that are a dominant feature in the surrounding landscape or constitute a significant linking element, including the following:
1. Any parcel, lot, or project site containing slopes of 15% or greater, which are both longer than 50 feet when measured in any horizontal direction and higher than seven and one-half feet when measured vertically.
2. Areas which exhibit slopes that fail to meet the aforementioned standards but contain boulder collapse, boulder rolling, rockfalls, slope collapse, and/or talus slopes shall also be considered significant and/or unique and subject to the preservation standards described in section 17-11-3 below.
F. Riparian area: Area adjacent to or occurring on or near a watercourse or drainage feature containing a moderate to high density of healthy and diverse species and habitats, including but not limited to any area within a jurisdictional delineation established by the United States fish and wildlife service.
G. Rock outcropping: Land containing a diversity of rock groupings, structure types, exposed bedrock, or any significant geomorphic formation of varying dimension and texture.
H. SRI: Site resource inventory; that is, a map and inventory of significant features of a site, meeting the requirements of section 1711-3 and containing the information required by the town's SRI check list.
I. Unique significant vegetation: One or more specific plant communities, unique plant occurrences, or unique individual specimens, any of which has special value to the Sonoran desert ecosystem because of one or more of the following:
1. Plant species are native to the area.
2. Plant species composition is typical for the area.
3. Plants are generally healthy and will survive for five or more years.
4. Plant density is unusually high for the conditions (soil, slope, orientation, water availability).
5. An unusually large number of mature specimens of individual trees and/or columnar cactus species are present.
6. Noxious or invasive species are few and not visually prominent.
7. Grading or clearing has not substantially altered the landscape in the area.
J. Unique plant: Any native tree, shrub or cacti with extraordinary characteristics such as, but not limited to, age, size, shape, form, canopy cover or aesthetic value. An example may be crested saguaros, a rare, massive, ancient tree or specimen tree with an unusual shape.
K. Unique plant occurrences: Areas of vegetation that exist in contrast to the majority of the surrounding vegetative community due to either microclimates or availability of water resources. Examples are stands of ironwood trees and riparian areas.
L. Wildlife corridor: Land area that provides a source of connectivity between two or more isolated habitat islands in a region where habitat is fragmented by urbanization that compromises natural animal movement. Wildlife corridor designation is designed to increase the confluence of the natural landscape and the degree of animal mobility. Any land identified as a wildlife corridor must be suitable for wildlife movement and must include enough native resources to sustain migrating animals.