A. A site resource inventory (SRI) shall be prepared for any development on a site that contains unique or significant ridges, peaks, riparian areas, wildlife corridors, and significant vegetation. These areas shall be protected and preserved unless the town determines that it is not possible to do so without depriving the property owner of any economically viable use of the property.
B. The SRI shall guide the site design (site plan, rezoning, subdivision plat, and/or development plan) and shall be used to determine compliance with the native plant program.
C. A SRI shall be submitted with the pre-application materials for rezoning, preliminary plat and development plan submittals or one month before development submittal.
D. The SRI shall be based on an aerial photograph of the site that is no older than two years from the date of submittal.
E. Preservation of unique significant vegetation should emphasize contiguous groups of natural areas and unique significant vegetation. Areas of unique significant vegetation include, but are not limited to, other natural areas protected by this code.