A. Clear view of intersecting streets. On all lots or parcels of land on which a front setback is required, no obstruction that will obscure the view of motor vehicle drivers shall be placed within the triangular area formed by the intersecting street property lines and a line connecting them at points of 45 feet from the intersection of said street property lines, except that trees may be permitted within said triangular area provided that those trees are placed in the street planter strip and the limbs are pruned to at least six feet above the grade level of the adjacent street.
B. Effect of street plan. The front or side setback of a building or structure to be constructed on a lot abutting a street designated in the general plan or in a specific plan shall be measured from the planned right-of-way line of the street and not from the existing property line.
C. Drainage. Surface water shall not be allowed to drain from any lot onto any adjacent lot, parcel, or easement, except upon written agreement with the owner of the adjacent lot, parcel, or easement.