18.90.010: Purpose
18.90.020: Landscape Requirements
18.90.030: Saving Existing Vegetation
18.90.040: Definitions
18.90.050: Landscape Requirements For Single-Family Homes
18.90.060: Landscape Plan
18.90.070: Reserved
18.90.080: Installation And Maintenance Of Plant Materials
18.90.090: Landscaping Requirements In The SDP Zone
18.90.100: Parking Lot Landscaping
18.90.115: Fencing In Commercial Zones
18.90.110: Landscape Buffers
18.90.120: Parkways
18.90.125: Other Rights-Of-Way
18.90.130: Bonding
18.90.140: Noncomplying Lot Due To Landscaping
18.90.150: Enforcement
The landscaping and buffering requirements specified in this chapter are intended to foster aesthetically pleasing development which will protect and preserve the appearance, character, health, safety and welfare of the community. These regulations are intended to increase the compatibility of adjacent uses and, in doing so, minimize the harmful impacts of noise, dust and debris, motor vehicle headlight glare or other artificial light intrusions, and other objectionable activities or impacts conducted or created by an adjoining or nearby use, thereby fostering compatibility among different land uses. These regulations are also intended to preserve, enhance and expand the urban forest and promote the prudent use of water and energy resources. Off street parking and unloading facilities within the PO-1, NC-1, CC-1 and GC-1 Zones are subject to section 18.92.030 of this title. (Ord. 2017-01, 4-19-2017, eff. 5-12-2017)
A. Whenever the submission and approval of a landscape plan is required by this chapter, such plan shall be an integral part of any application for a commercial project plan approval, SDP proposal, assisted living center proposal, multiple-family development proposal, building permit or occupancy permit (aforementioned uses only). No such permits or approvals shall be issued without City approval of a landscape plan as required in this chapter.
B. The Planning Commission may approve a project plan modifying the standards of this chapter if the property owner seeking development approval presents substantial evidence for the modification. The Planning Commission shall determine if the proposed modification constitutes an innovative landscaping design superior to the required landscaping standards. If the Planning Commission grants a modification under this subsection, it shall make particularized findings justifying the modification. (Ord. 2016-01, 5-18-2016, eff. 6-16-2016)