Wherever the terms of this title require submission and approval of a site plan, such review shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions:
   A.   Planning Commission To Approve: The planning commission shall have the function, duty and power to approve or disapprove a project plan and to attach such modifications or conditions as may be deemed appropriate to improve the layout, to ensure that the project will not pose any detrimental effect to persons or property, or to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the city.
   B.   Application Required: Application for site plan approval shall be accompanied by maps and drawings showing the following as applicable:
      1.   The location of all existing and proposed buildings and structures on the site, with full dimensions showing the distance between buildings and distances from buildings to adjacent property lines.
      2.   The location of all parking spaces, driveways, and points of vehicular ingress and egress.
      3.   A landscaping plan showing the location, types, and initial sizes of all planting materials to be used together with the location of fences, walls, hedges, and decorative materials.
      4.   Preliminary elevations of main buildings showing the general appearance and types of external materials to be used.
      5.   The locations of solid waste receptacles and trash pick up areas.
      6.   Copies of the natural conditions analysis map and all required technical reports in all zones as may be necessary. (Ord. 2002-05, 3-20-2002)
   C.   Appeals Permitted: Any person aggrieved by a determination of the planning commission may request a hearing before the city council who shall have the authority to reverse, affirm or modify any decision of said commission. Any such appeal shall be filed within ten (10) business days of the determination of the planning commission. (Ord. 2002-05, 3-20-2002; amd. Ord. 2013-04, 2-19-2013, eff. 4-1-2013)
   D.   Issuance Of A Permit: A building permit shall not be issued for any building or structure or external alterations thereto until the provisions of this section have been complied with. Any construction not in conformance with an approved site plan shall be considered a violation of this title.
   E.   Bond: All commercial or industrial projects shall be required to bond for all required landscaping and improvements equal to the city engineer's estimate of cost in a bonding manner approved by Mapleton City. (Ord. 2002-05, 3-20-2002)