A.   Continuation: A nonconforming structure in any zone may be continued as provided in this section and any other applicable provision of this chapter so long as no additions or enlargements are made thereto and no structural alterations are made therein, except as provided in this section or as may be required by law. If any nonconforming structure is removed from the lot where it was located each future structure thereon shall conform to applicable provisions of this title.
   B.   Maintenance And Repair: A nonconforming structure may be maintained. Repairs and structural alterations may be made to a nonconforming structure within the existing footprint thereof provided that the degree of nonconformity is not increased.
   C.   Expansion And Enlargement: No nonconforming structure may be enlarged, altered or expanded unless such alterations make the structure conforming to the requirements in the underlying zone. Buildings or structures that are nonconforming due to the fact that they do not meet the setback requirements in the zone, may be expanded so long as the expansion does not further violate the setback requirements. Any additions to a building or structure that will increase the height of a structure may be permitted only if the addition can meet the requirements in the underlying zone, including setback. Therefore, if an existing home had a side yard less than what was required in the zone, and the homeowner wished to add a second story to the building, the second story would be required to meet the setback requirement.
   D.   Relocation: If a nonconforming structure is relocated within the City, it must be made to become conforming to the zone wherein the structure is placed. A conditional use permit obtained from the Planning Commission shall also be required.
   E.   Restoration: A nonconforming structure in a conforming structure damaged by fire, wind, earthquake, or other natural disaster or calamity may be restored as it existed previously and its use may be continued so long as restoration is complete within one year. A building permit necessary for the restoration shall be applied for no later than six (6) months after the damage occurred. An extension may be granted by the Planning and Zoning Director for up to an additional six (6) months if the applicant has shown a diligent effort to complete the restoration. Said restoration must be completed to the extent that no less than fifty percent (50%) of the necessary work has been completed within the one year period as determined by the Mapleton City building official. (Ord. 2003-23, 11-5-2003, eff. 12-11-2003)