15.04.010: Adoption
15.04.020: Copies On File
15.04.010: ADOPTION:
Mapleton City does hereby adopt as its building codes:
   A.   The 2015 edition of the international building code, with current amendments as adopted by the state of Utah department of commerce, division of occupational and professional licensing (hereinafter DOPL).
   B.   The international residential code, 2015 edition, with current amendments adopted by the DOPL.
   C.   The international mechanical code, 2015 edition, with current amendments adopted by the DOPL.
   D.   The international plumbing code, 2015 edition, with current amendments adopted by the DOPL.
   E.   The national electrical code, 2014 edition, with current amendments adopted by the DOPL.
   F.   The international fuel gas code, 2015 edition, with current amendments adopted by the DOPL.
   G.   The international energy conservation code, 2015 edition, with current amendments adopted by the DOPL.
   H.   The international fire code, 2015 edition, with current amendments adopted by the DOPL. (Ord. 2016-09, 11-16-2016, eff. 12-11-2016)
The codes are adopted in their entirety, as amended and corrected, as the building regulations of the city for the purpose of providing regulations consistent with nationally recognized standard practices for the safeguarding of life, health and property. The codes, as amended, and all provisions thereof, are made part of this chapter to the same extent and effect as though they were copied verbatim herein. (Ord. 2013-02, 1-15-2013, eff. 2-7-2013)
15.04.020: COPIES ON FILE:
There are on file with the city recorder three (3) copies of the building code for use and examination by the public and city officials. (Ord. 96-21)