13.20.030: PROCEDURE:
   A.   Application For Extension: Any person desiring to extend a water main, and/or sewer main, and/or any street within the city shall first submit an application and pay the required application fee to the city. Said application shall contain a description of the proposed extension accompanied by a map showing the location thereof.
   B.   Referral To City Staff And Planning Commission: The staff and planning commission shall review the application materials and provide a recommendation to the city council. Said review shall include an evaluation as to the conformance of the proposal with city standards and consistency with the city's general plan elements (utility general plan, major street plan, etc.).
   C.   Recommendation To Council: Upon completion of the review, the planning commission shall submit their recommendations to the city council.
   D.   City Council To Act On Application: Upon receipt of the documents and the report of the planning commission, the city council shall consider the question of the extension, and upon a motion properly presented, shall act to approve or deny the extension. An action to approve shall constitute preliminary approval of the extension and shall be binding upon the city subject to compliance with the terms of this chapter and any conditions which shall have been attached as part of the approval.
   E.   Detailed Plans To Be Submitted; Final Documentation: Upon receiving preliminary approval from the council the applicant shall submit:
      1.   Detailed engineering plans for the proposed improvement (when required).
      2.   Documentation, acceptable to the council, agreeing to construct any off site improvements to be included as part of the extension, and accepting the terms and conditions relating to reimbursement.
      3.   Financial assurances guaranteeing construction of the proposed improvements. Said guarantees shall be submitted and processed in accordance with the provisions of title 17, chapter 17.20 and section 17.04.110 of this code. (1986 Code)