(a)   Plans to be Submitted to the Building Department. Plans, specifications and pertinent explanatory data submitted in connection with an application for a permit to construct a public swimming pool, not including portable pools, or for any alteration, addition, remodeling or other improvement thereto, shall comply with the following requirements and shall include the following plans and information as well as such other data as may reasonably be requested by the Building Commissioner. Plans shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one-eighth inch per foot, indicating all materials and methods of construction and indicating all dimensions, including the length, width and depth of the pool and the width of the pool deck.
      (1)   A profile plan showing the same information;
      (2)   A plot plan showing the position of the pool in relation to buildings and lot lines;
      (3)   A cross-section of scum gutters, skimmers or overflow troughs, where used;
      (4)   Pipe diagrams showing the size of all pipes, inlets, outlets, makeup water lines, vacuum lines, waste and discharge lines, circulation and other piping;
      (5)   The pool equipment room layout, showing filters and their location, pumps, disinfection chemical feeders, flow meter gauges, the sight glass, strainers, hair and lint interceptors, the dimensions of the filter room and its location, the floor drain, sumps and other pertinent information;
      (6)   The liquid capacity of the pool;
      (7)   The liquid capacity of accessory water features, if any;
      (8)   The kind, number and size of filters, including the square footage of the filter area in each unit;
      (9)   The top capacity in gallons per minute of the recirculation system;
      (10)   A description of chemical feeders;
      (11)   The type, kind and description of disinfection;
      (12)   The type and range of testing equipment, including chlorine;
      (13)   A description and plan of lighting facilities; and
      (14)   The type, design and location of enclosing fence.
   (b)   Design and Construction Requirements. The Building Commissioner shall not issue a permit to construct or approve the construction of any public swimming pool or any alteration, addition, remodeling or other improvement thereto, unless the following design and construction requirements are observed. Public swimming pools shall be constructed and maintained in conformity with the following requirements and for pools already in existence the Building Commissioner shall furnish the owners with a program of improvements and additions, which shall be carried out over a period not to exceed five years in order to comply with the requirements of this chapter for new pools:
      (1)   Material. The water-containing surface of artificial swimming pools shall be light in color and impervious and shall provide a tight tank with smooth and easily cleaned surfaces. Sand or dirt bottoms are prohibited.
      (2)   Walls and markings. The walls of the pool shall be vertical. Conspicuous markings shall be provided at regular intervals showing the depth of the pool, visible on deck/wall surface. Marking shall be visible at all times during pool operation.
      (3)   Water supply and outlets. The pool shall be equipped with water inlets and outlets of sufficient size and proper location to provide a uniform circulation of water in all parts of the pool. All water inlets shall be located not less than one foot above the flood rim of the pool, or shall be provided with a vacuum brake sufficient in size to prevent backflow in the event of lowered pressure in the public water lines. All drainage of the pool shall be into a storm outlet only, per request by County Board of Health.
      (4)   Separate space for bathers and spectators. The design of the locker room, shower rooms and pool shall be such as to provide proper routing of the bathers and complete separation of bathers and spectators.
      (5)   Heating. All indoor pools which are to be used when the outside temperature is below 60°F shall be provided with facilities for uniform and adequate heating of the pool room, dressing rooms and water in the pool.
      (6)   Water supply to fill pool. The water to fill the swimming pool shall meet the requirements of the County Board of Health for a safe drinking water supply.
      (7)    Recirculation. In accordance with the County Board of Health a satisfactory recirculation system for the swimming pool shall be installed consisting of circulating pumps, chemical dozing equipment (alum and alkali) or surge tank, float valve control on water supply, hair and lint catcher, chlorinator, indicator, recording and totalizing instrument, flow meters, pressure gauges, piping connections to inlets and outlets and all other necessary fixtures and connections.
      (8)   Indicating, recording, totalizing instruments, etc. When necessary, in the opinion of the County of Board of Health, indicating, recording and totalizing instruments, flow meters or indicators and pressure gauges shall be installed at such points as may be designated by the County of Board of Health.
      (9)   Hair and lint catcher. The pump suction line of the recirculation system shall be provided with a hair and lint catcher and with a vacuum gauge of such type and so located to indicate when it is necessary to clean the catcher.
      (10)   Drinking water. Lavatory and drinking water supplies shall be adequate in quality and quantity.
      (11)   Walks. Each public swimming pool shall be provided with a paved walk at least six feet in width so as to completely surround the pool. Such walk shall be drained away from the pool.
      (12)   Lighting. Lighting for public swimming pools shall be adequate for the protection of the public as may be determined by the Building Commissioner. All lighting and wiring shall be in accordance with the 2008 edition of the National Fire Protection Association's National Electrical Code (NFPA No. 70) and amendments and all fixtures and equipment shall be listed and labeled by recognized testing lab.
      (13)   Hose. Hose connections and hose must be of ample size and pressure to clean all of the pool area.
      (14)   Deck Towers and Steps. Steps and ladders must be made of impervious, corrosion- resistant materials, with a uniform rise not to exceed seven inches. The decks of towers which are over one meter high shall be protected with suitable railings to prevent falling except into the water.
   (c)   Requirements as to Patrons.
      (1)   Baths required. No person shall use or be permitted to use any public swimming pool, unless immediately before such use he or she has taken a cleansing shower, using warm water and soap and thoroughly rinsing off all soapsuds.
      (2)   Sterilization of rental suits and equipment. No person shall use or be permitted to use in any public swimming pool, any towel, bathing suit, trunks or other garment which may come in contact with the water in the pool, which has been used by any other person, without approval from the County Board of Health.
      (3)   Shoes. No person shall be permitted on the deck area of any public swimming pool within 20 feet of the main pool while wearing any shoes other than those designed for bathing or swimming.
      (4)   Regulations to be posted. The operator of a public swimming pool shall post suitable placards displaying the personal regulations and instructions required by this subsection.
   (d)   Cleanliness of Pool and Environs.
      (1)   Bottom and overflow trough. When a public swimming pool is in use, the bottom of the pool shall be completely cleaned, as required by the County Board of Health.
      (2)   Cleanings. Cleanings shall be performed as required by the County Board of Health.
      (3)   General requirements. The buildings, grounds, dressing rooms and all other swimming pool facilities shall be kept clean and in a sanitary condition and maintained free from garbage, trash and other refuse.
   (e)   Operation, Maintenance. Testing and test records shall be in accordance with the County Board of Health.
   (f)    Personnel Required.
      (1)   Operating personnel. Each public swimming pool shall be operated under the close supervision of a well-trained and responsible operator or operators, capable of making field tests such as residual chlorine or other bactericide, and thoroughly familiar with the operation of all mechanical appurtenances of the pool. Any such operator shall, upon request, demonstrate to the satisfaction of the County Board of Health or Building Commissioner, his or her ability to perform his or her required duties.
      (2)   Lifeguards. A sufficient number of attendants shall be on duty as required by the Ohio Revised Code when the swimming pool is in use.
(Ord. 2009-07. Passed 2-18-09.)