A.   Permit Required; Definition
      1.   No person shall erect a satellite dish without first obtaining a permit therefor.
      2.   As used in this section, "satellite dish" means a device which is designed to receive transmission signals from earth orbiting satellites, usually in the (K) band, and which is larger than six (6) feet in diameter.
      3.   Satellite dishes under six (6) feet in diameter are exempt from these provisions.
   B.   Application for Permit; Plans
   Any owner of property in the City who desires to construct or erect a satellite dish at any location in the City shall apply to the Building Commissioner for the permit referred to in subsection A. hereof.
   Three sets of construction plans reflecting the specifications and elevations of the proposed satellite dish location, along with details sufficient to show the size, method of assembly, and construction of the satellite, shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner along with the application for a permit and a fee as established by City Council. Half of the fee shall be refunded to the applicant if the system requires only one inspection and is approved.
   Upon receipt of the application for a permit and of the plans and the permit fee, the Building Commissioner shall review the same and cause such application to be placed upon the agenda of the City Planning Commission for final review and action.
   C.   Location
      1.   No satellite dish shall be erected in any front yard or side yard of any parcel in the City.
      2.    No satellite dish shall be erected on the roof of any building in the City.
      3.   No satellite dish shall be linked to any receiver or other equipment not located on the same lot occupied by such satellite dish.
      4.   Satellite dishes may be erected and constructed in the rear yard of any lot in the City, provided they meet the specifications contained in subsection D. hereof. The center of the dish shall be ten (10) feet from side and rear lot lines and per specifications listed in subsection D. hereof.
      5.    In other than Single-Family Districts, this section may be modified by the allowance of a roof-top mounting, provided the Planning Commission approves it in advance, after reviewing the plan and any other information it may request.
   D.   Size and Construction Requirements
      1.    No satellite dish shall be constructed exceeding twelve (12) feet in diameter and fifteen (15) feet in height above natural grade.
      2.    No satellite dish shall be constructed which will endanger the health, safety or welfare of the occupant of the premises or persons likely to be upon the premises within the vicinity of such satellite dish. The satellite dish shall be anchored in a concrete foundation that will withstand eighty-five (85) miles per hour wind velocity.
      3.    Drive controls should be the transformer isolated type that do not exceed thirty-six (36) volts.
      4.    In other than Single-Family Residential Districts, this section may be modified by the allowance of a roof-top mounting, provided the Planning Commission approves it in advance, after reviewing the plan and any other information it may request.
   E.   Screening
   A vision impairing fence four (4) feet in height shall be erected around the base of the satellite dish so as to protect the health, safety and welfare of all adjacent property owners.
(Ord. 2000-128. Passed 12-6-00.)