The following guidelines shall be applicable to all new development, redevelopment and all substantial expansion of parcels within the Broadway Corridor Overlay District.
   A.   Utilities
   All utilities for new projects shall be located underground.
   B.   Site Features
   Site features such as dumpsters, mechanical equipment, service entrances, loading zones and outdoor storage where possible, shall not be located in the front or side yard. However, in any case, all site features shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way.
   C.   Building Design
      1.   The front entrance of buildings shall be oriented towards Broadway Avenue.
      2.   Buildings located along the northeastern side of the Broadway Corridor between Greenhurst Drive and Maple Heights Boulevard shall be designed to have 100% of the building facade at the front lot line along the sidewalk.
      3.   Buildings located along Broadway Corridor between Greenhurst Drive and Maple Heights Boulevard shall be designed so that the ground floor of the building is limited to retail uses, personal services, restaurants or other uses encouraging street level activities. Offices and residential uses should be limited to the second and third floors of the building.
      4.   The use of highly reflective materials for walls and roofs shall not be used. Natural materials such as brick or stone are encouraged.
      5.   No single building footprint should exceed 30,000 square feet in area.
      6.   Exterior appearance, including materials, colors and textures shall be submitted to the planning commission for review.
   D.   Signage
   Signage shall be limited to groundmounted, awning, projecting and wall mounted signs.
   E.   Off-Street Parking
   Off-street parking shall not be located in a front or side yard, where possible. In any case, all off-street parking areas shall be screened from view from a public right-of-way with fencing and/or landscaping approved by the Planning Commission.
   F.   Access
      1.   Vehicular circulation between parcels is encouraged. Provisions for circulation between adjacent parcels shall be provided through coordinated or joint parking systems to minimize curb cuts along the street.
      2.   Only one access point for each 200 feet of road frontage on Broadway Avenue shall be permitted. Lots with less than 100 feet of frontage on Broadway Avenue are encouraged to consolidate access points with adjoining properties but shall, in any case, be provided one (1) access point.
   G.   Architectural Review Board
   The Architectural Review Board may recommend to the Planning Commission, from time to time, revisions to these design criteria for specific areas within the Broadway Corridor Overlay District.
(Ord. 2000-128. Passed 12-6-00.)