In order to provide a varied and diverse mix of uses in the Central Business District that encourages a culturally enriching and commercially vibrant pedestrian-friendly environment, certain uses will have buffer criteria, such that no two (2) establishments of the same use will be permitted within a certain distance of one another. Buffer criteria for various uses are detailed in this section.
Required Buffer from another establishment of similar use
Required buffer from School or library
Required Buffer from another establishment of similar use
Required buffer from School or library
Assisted Living Facilities
1,320 feet (1/4 mile)
500 feet
Automobile Repair and Service Stations
Bars, Taverns, or Night Clubs*
Convenience Stores
Day Care Centers, Adult
Funeral Homes
Personal Services
Restaurants, Fast Food
Restaurants, Drive-Thru
2,640 (1/2 mile)
*See also Chapter 1298, Supplementary Regulations
(Ord. 2022-35. Passed 4-6-22.)