(a) Any person or organization desirous of using Stafford and/or Dunham Fields for the purpose of a permitted athletic activity shall make application for such use on a form approved by and in the manner provided by the Director of Recreation, and shall further prepay per hour fees to the City for such use as determined from time to time by Council.
(b) Fees shall not be charged to groups comprised of players under eighteen years of age for use of Stafford and Dunham Fields, provided that the groups are under the control of the Recreation Department of the City.
(Ord. 1982-43. Passed 4-15-82.)
The Director of Service shall post the following sign at Stafford and Dunham Recreation Centers and at other places as he or she deems appropriate:
A reward of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) is hereby offered to the person or persons furnishing information leading directly to the detention, arrest and final conviction of any person or persons found guilty of criminal damaging or vandalism of City property or that of the Board of Education within the City of Maple Heights.
(Ord. 1995-77. Passed 6-21-95.)
In the preparation of baseball schedules at the Municipal parks, no games shall be scheduled to begin later than 10:00 p.m. All games shall be completed and the park closed at 11:30 p.m., unless the game in progress has entered the fifth inning at 11:30 p.m., in which the event the game may be completed through the entire seven innings.
(Ord. 1991-6. Passed 3-6-91.)
Rules and regulations for use of the Municipal pavilions are hereby established as follows:
(a) A permit for the use of the Municipal pavilions shall be granted with the understanding that all laws and regulations of the City contained on such permit for the use of City property shall be strictly followed. The application must be made by a resident or business located in the city. The responsible adult signing such permit agrees to control the conduct of all persons using the facility and to be responsible for their actions and safety during the use of the facility as specifically stated in the permit.
(b) The City property will not be used for any unlawful purpose and the permit holder will keep the property in good condition, as it is now, and the permit holder shall protect and save harmless the City from any claim or suit for damages arising out of the use of such property.
(c) The City shall have first priority for use of the pavilions. The Department of Administrative Services reserves the right to cancel a permit if such need arises or if such permit is found to be in violation of State or local regulations within two weeks of the event for which such permit was issued.
(d) No public facilities shall be utilized for profit or gain. No fundraiser activity is permitted without express written consent given by the Mayor and Council. Any applicant for a permit must detail in writing the purpose of the fundraiser activity at least 30 days in advance of the intended use. Below is a list of additional rules and regulations that shall be followed:
(1) There shall be no admission charge or fee assessed for any reason.
(2) There shall be no defacement, destruction, removal or disturbance of City property or equipment.
(3) There shall be no posting or displaying of advertisement signs of the sale of any items, unless approved in advance in writing by the Department of Administrative Services.
(4) There shall be no firearms, fireworks or explosives permitted on City park property.
(5) There shall be no games of change or gambling of any kind.
(6) There shall be no use of intoxicating liquors, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
(7) There shall be no abusive or obscene language.
(8) There shall be no dogs or cats allowed in the City parks, except for City-authorized events.
(9) There shall be no indecent conduct or solicitation.
(Ord. 1998-09. Passed 2-4-98.)
(e) Fees. A deposit in the amount of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) shall be required at the time of registration for a City pavilion at Stafford Park. Of this amount, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be refundable only after the City's Service Department has determined no damage was made to City property, and the pavilion has been cleaned properly after usage. All Maple Heights residents shall be required to show proof of residency at the time of registration. The deposit is required of all registrants.
(Ord. 2003-048. Passed 7-16-03; Ord. 2005-036. Passed 3-31-05; Ord. 2006-88. Passed 8-16-06; Ord. 2012-08. Passed 2-1-12; Ord. 2014-10. Passed 2-5-14; Ord. 2022-25. Passed 5-4-22.)
A deposit of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) is required for a one-day rental of an outdoor basketball court, and fifty dollars ($50.00) for each consecutive day. After an inspection conducted by a Recreation Division staff member, 50% of this deposit will be refunded only if the courts are properly cleaned after their use and there is no reported damage or defacement.
(Ord. 2004-019. Passed 2-18-04.)