The Director of Service may promulgate and enforce additional rules and regulations. However, he or she shall be guided by the following:
   (a)   City collection of garbage and refuse shall be made at the curb only with a central place of pick-up.
   (b)   Service Department sanitary collection vehicles shall not enter private property for collection of garbage, refuse or such, except where the Service Director determines that hazardous conditions exist. Before sanitary collection vehicles will enter on private property, the owner of such property must sign a waiver form holding the employees and the City harmless from any and all liabilities arising out of such entrance and exit.
(Ord. 1990-43. Passed 4-4-90.)
   (c)   No person shall deposit any garbage or waste materials, or permit the same to be deposited, any place in the City, except in approved, leakproof (tight-fitting) and covered receptacles as required in this chapter and within his or her own premises or on premises under his or her control. No such receptacle shall be stored or placed closer than twenty-five feet to any building used in whole or in part as a place for human habitation. No such receptacle shall be stored or placed in the front of any building line. Any receptacle on property, other than single-family and two-family residences, that can be seen from the first floor of a residence, or from the street, must be totally fenced and screened from sight in a manner approved by the Building Commissioner. A building permit is required for such enclosure.
(Ord. 1994-64. Passed 7-13-94.)
   (d)   All refuse and garbage containers shall be placed at the curb the evening before (not earlier than 6:00 p.m. the day before collection or later than 8:00 a.m. of the day for regular pick-up) and shall be returned to the place of storage upon the day of collection. No refuse or garbage container shall be stored or placed in front of the rear building line of any property at any other time.
   (e)   It is the intention of this chapter that there shall be no doubling up. Each family or person occupying a separate place of abode shall make separate provisions for the collection and removal of garbage and/or refuse. No garbage or refuse shall be placed, or allowed to be placed, for removal except in the receptacles provided for that purpose by the person so placing such garbage and/or refuse.
(Ord. 1990-43. Passed 4-4-90.)