Every person licensed under this chapter shall keep a book in which shall be written in ink in the English language at the time of the purchase of any secondhand article, a description thereof and the price paid the seller therefor, together with a statement of the age, address and personal description of the person from whom such purchase was made and the date and hour of such purchase, which statement shall be signed in the book by the seller. Such book shall at all times be open to the inspection of any member of the Police Division. In addition to such book every person so licensed shall, at the time of such purchase, fill out on a blank to be furnished by the Police Division, such information as may be called for by the blank form, and on the back of the blank forth the seller shall write, in his or her own handwriting, his or her name, age and address. No entry in such book or on such form shall be erased, obliterated, altered or defaced.
(Ord. 1986-116. Passed 1-7-87.)