This section applies only to time periods that need to be computed for participation in cable rate regulation proceedings administered by the staff or the Council.
   (a)   The term "day" shall apply to all days, regardless of holidays.
   (b)   The term "business day" means all days which are not "holidays."
   (c)   If the date for any event specified in these rules falls on a holiday, the relevant date will be the next business day.
   (d)   The term "holiday" means Saturday, Sunday, officially recognized legal holidays and any other day on which the staff offices are not open. For example, a regularly scheduled staff business day may become a "holiday" if its offices are closed for all or part of regular working hours due to adverse weather or emergency conditions.
   (e)   The first day to be counted in any period of time is the day after the event which initiates the period. For example, if comments are to be filed within five days of a public notice issued on November 12, the deadline for filing the comments would be November 17.
(Ord. 1993-180. Passed 12-15-93.)