(a)   Eligibility. A reward of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) is hereby offered to any person or persons furnishing information leading directly to the detention, arrest and final conviction of any person or persons found guilty of criminal damaging or vandalism of City or Board of Education property within the City.
   (b)   Persons Excluded. Employees of the City, employees of the Board of Education, and their immediate families are ineligible for any reward.
   (c)   Reward Committee. A Reward Committee, consisting of the Mayor, the Chief of Police and the Director of Law, shall have the exclusive and final authority to determine whether or not information of the required type has been given; which person or persons are entitled to receive or share in the reward; how the reward shall be divided, if two or more persons are entitled to share therein an amount of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00); and any and all other questions relating to the reward offer. The Committee shall be the judge of any dispute over the reward and of the person or persons, if any, entitled to share therein. Its decision on any point connected with the reward shall be final and conclusive.
   If conflicting claims are made for the reward, and if they cannot be resolved by the Committee, the Committee shall be discharged from all liability upon paying the reward over to Council, which shall then determine the finality of any claim.
   (d)   Supplying Information. Any person supplying information referred to in this section may impart the same through any available channel, but it is recommended that such information be imparted directly to the Division of Police.
(Ord. 1995-77. Passed 6-21-95.)