(a)   Effective January 1, 1997, full-time employees of all City departments, excluding all employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, shall earn sick leave credit at the rate of four and six-tenths hours for each eighty hours of completed service per pay period. There shall be no limit to the number of sick leave hours an employee may accumulate.
(Ord. 1997-18. Passed 2-19-97.)
   (b)   (EDITOR'S NOTE: Subsection (b) was repealed by implication by Ordinance 1997-18, passed February 19, 1997.)
   (c)   Sick leave with pay shall be charged at the rate of one sick hour for each hour of regularly scheduled work from which an employee is absent, up to the maximum number of accrued sick leave hours remaining to such employee's credit. Sick leave may not be transferred from one employee to another.
(Ord. 1980-220. Passed 12-17-80.)
   (d)   Effective January 1, 1996, at the time of death, resignation or retirement from active service with the City, full-time employees hired on or after January 1, 1996, may elect to be paid in cash for their accrued but unused sick leave credit as follows:
      (1)   After ten years of full-time continuous service with the City: 25 percent
      (2)   After fifteen years of full-time continuous service with the City: 30 percent
      (3)   After twenty years of full-time continuous service with the City: 33 percent
      (4)   After twenty-five years of full-time continuous service with the City: 40 percent
   (e)   At the time of death, resignation or retirement from active service with the City, full-time employees having a minimum of five years of continuous service with the City may elect to be paid in cash for one- third of the value of their accrued but unused sick leave credit; full-time employees having twenty-five years and over of public service for pension purposes, at least fifteen years of which have been with the City of Maple Heights, may elect to be paid in cash for forty percent of the value of their accrued but unused sick leave credit. Sick leave conversion shall be made only once to an employee and shall be limited to either the number of sick leave hours an employee has accumulated or a maximum of 2,160 hours, whichever is less.
   For the convenience of the City, and with the prior approval of the Mayor, an employee may be paid his or her sick leave conversion benefits on a uniform basis during the three years immediately preceding the employee's retirement.
(Ord. 1997-18. Passed 2-19-97.)
   (f)   Sick leave with pay may be granted to an employee upon the recommendation of a department head for the following reasons:
      (1)   Sickness of such employee;
      (2)   Injury to such employee;
      (3)   Emergency medical, dental or optical treatment of such employee;
   (4)   Sickness or emergency medical treatment of a member of the employee's immediate family living in the employee's household. The maximum sick leave which may be granted under this paragraph for family illness is five working days for employees who have been with the City more than twelve months. Department heads shall require a certificate of the attending physician before paying any employee under this paragraph. Falsification of either a written, signed statement or a physician's certificate shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal.
   In special cases when a department head deems that more than five work days are necessary, he or she shall submit such recommendation in writing to the Mayor for his or her approval prior to granting such sick leave.
   (g)   Any employee scheduled to work on a holiday who reports sick shall be charged sick leave for that holiday and shall forfeit his or her right to the holiday. If the employee has no sick leave accrued, he or she shall receive no pay for that holiday.
(Ord. 1980-220. Passed 12-17-80.)
   (h)   Any full-time City employee who has previously accumulated sick leave in the public service in the State shall be credited with such accumulation, up to thirty days maximum, provided that such public service has been within the previous ten years. In order for an employee to receive such credit under this subsection, he or she shall present a certification of such time by his or her previous public employer to the Human Resources Department.
(Ord. 1989-178. Passed 3-7-90.)