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The following uses shall be permitted only if specifically authorized by the board as allowed in chapter 14 of this title:
   Adult oriented establishments, as identified and under additional specific regulations of section 9-3-10 of this title.
   Medical cannabis facilities provided the facilities otherwise comply with the provisions of chapter 17 of this title.
   Outdoor storage, including contractors' yards.
   Planned Unit Developments, as authorized by Chapter 4 of this title, provided the uses therein shall be limited to those allowed as permitted and/or special uses in the I-1 Light Industrial District.
   Recreational uses (commercial or private).
   Residence of the proprietor, caretaker or watchman, when located on the premises of the commercial or industrial use.
   Service retail businesses, such as, but not limited to:
      Animal hospitals.
      Automobile painting, repair, major and minor, including body repair shops, but excluding salvage yards.
      Banks, savings and loans.
      Blueprinting establishments.
      Medical clinics.
      Tattoo parlors. (Ord. 11-09, 8-15-2011; amd. Ord. 13-29, 1-20-2014; Ord. 22-01, 5-2-2022)
Upon application to and issuance by the code enforcement officer of a permit, the following uses may be operated as temporary uses:
   Temporary building, trailer or yard for construction materials and/or equipment, both incidental and necessary to construction in the zoning district. Each permit shall specify the location of the building or yard and the area of permitted operation. Each such permit shall be valid for a period of six (6) months and shall not be renewed for more than one additional period.
   Temporary office or residence both incidental and necessary for the sale, maintenance, or rental of real property. Each permit shall specify the location of the office and the area of permitted operation. Each such permit shall be valid for a period of six (6) months and shall not be renewed for more than two (2) successive periods at the same location. (Ord. 99-06, 6-21-1999)
Accessory uses, buildings or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted use or special use may be permitted, provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership, on the same parcel, and do not include structures or features inconsistent with the permitted use or special use. (Ord. 99-06, 6-21-1999)
All uses not expressly authorized in sections 9-9A-3 through 9-9A-6 of this article, inclusive. Any use that creates any external odor, smoke, dust, noise or glare or that involves the use of any radioactive or highly toxic materials, as determined by the code enforcement officer. (Ord. 99-06, 6-21-1999)
   (A)   Minimum Lot Area: Forty thousand (40,000) square feet of separate ground area shall be provided for each parcel used for a permitted or special use.
   (B)   Minimum Lot Frontage: A minimum lot frontage of one hundred twenty feet (120') shall be provided for each parcel used for a permitted or special use. Corner lots shall have a minimum of one hundred forty four feet (144') of lot width.
   (C)   Minimum Lot Depth: A minimum lot depth of one hundred twenty feet (120') shall be provided for each parcel containing a permitted or special use.
   (D)   Yards:
      1.   Front yard: All structures shall be set back at least fifty feet (50') from the front lot line.
      2.   Side yard: All structures shall be set back at least five feet (5') from the side lot line.
      3.   Rear yard: All structures shall be set in from the rear lot line a distance of not less than fifteen feet (15').
      4.   Transitional yard: Where properties in the I-1 district are adjoining a residential or commercial district, a yard shall be provided along such side lot line, not less than thirty feet (30') in width. Where properties in the I-1 district are adjoining or across road rights of way from commercial or residential zoning districts, or across road rights of way from other zoning districts, the required yards shall be at least equal in dimension to the adjoining yards in the adjoining district(s) or the front yards in the district(s) separated from the property by road rights of way. Where yards in the I-1 district exceed the requirements of the adjoining district(s), the yards of the I-1 district shall apply.
   (E)   Maximum Height: No structure or portion thereof shall exceed a height of fifty feet (50').
   (F)   Floor Area Ratio: Not to exceed eighty percent (80%).
   (G)   Maximum Lot Coverage: Principal building not to exceed thirty percent (30%). The total of all accessory buildings not to exceed ten percent (10%).
   (H)   Maximum Area Coverage: Including all buildings, structures, sidewalks, parking areas or other hard surface not to exceed eighty percent (80%).
   (I)   Minimum Landscaped Area: Two percent (2%) of the total square footage of the real property shall be set aside as a decorative landscaped area, enhancing the street side of the property, and as approved by the code enforcement officer. (Ord. 99-06, 6-21-1999)
   (A)   Warehouse And Storage Facilities: Warehouse and storage facility functions shall be totally enclosed and conducted within buildings and structures.
   (B)   Business Servicing Or Processing: All business servicing or processing, except for off street parking and off street loading shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.
   (C)   Outside Storage: All outside storage of goods, materials and products shall be screened in accordance with section 9-3-5 of this title. Lighting of the facility shall be directed away from surrounding properties.
   (D)   Outdoor Sales: All outdoor sales space shall be provided with a permanent durable concrete or asphalt surface, and shall be graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water.
   (E)   Curb, Gutter, Storm Drainage And Entrance Curbs: Required on all street frontages and shall meet the approval of the village engineer and village standards.
   (F)   Parking And Loading Requirements: In accordance with the applicable regulations set forth in chapter 12 of this title.
   (G)   Sign Requirements: In accordance with the applicable regulations set forth in chapter 13 of this title.
   (H)   Waste Materials: No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such a form that they may be transferred off the property by natural causes or forces.
   (I)   Screening: Where a commercial or industrial use abuts or is across the street from a residential district, adequate screening shall be provided as set forth in section 9-3-5 of this title. Any screening required of service yards or other areas which tend to be unsightly shall be accomplished by walls, fencing, planting or a combination of these as outlined in section 9-3-5 of this title. Screening must enhance architectural features and strengthen vistas along important ways of approach or entry.
   (J)   Enclosure Of Use: All industrial or commercial operations shall take place within completely enclosed buildings, unless otherwise specified.
   (K)   Performance Standards: Processes and equipment employed shall comply with the provisions of performance standards as outlined in article C of this chapter. (Ord. 99-06, 6-21-1999)
9-9B-1: Purpose
9-9B-2: Policy
9-9B-3: Uses Permitted
9-9B-4: Special Uses Permitted
9-9B-5: Temporary Uses Permitted
9-9B-6: Accessory Uses
9-9B-7: Prohibited Uses
9-9B-8: Site And Structure Requirements
9-9B-9: Special Provisions