(A)   The Records Management Officer and the Records Management Committee shall develop a Records Management Plan for the city for submission to the City Council. The plan must contain policies and procedures designed to reduce the costs and improve the efficiency of record-keeping, to adequately protect the essential records of the city and to properly preserve those records of the city that are of historical value. The plan must be designed to enable the Records Management Officer to carry out his or her duties prescribed by state law and this chapter effectively.
   (B)   Once approved by the City Council, the Records Management Plan shall be binding on all offices, departments, divisions, programs, commissions, bureaus, boards, committees or similar entities of the city and records shall be created, maintained, stored, microfilmed or disposed of in accordance with the Plan.
   (C)   State law relating to the duties, other responsibilities or record-keeping requirements of a department head do not exempt the department head or the records in the department head's care from the application of this chapter and the Records Management Plan adopted under it and may not be used by the department head as a basis for refusal to participate in the Records Management Program of the city.
(‘78 Code, § 2-16) (Ord. 886, passed 12-11-90; Am. Ord. OR-2352-24, passed 3-25-24)