Petitions for approval of planned unit development projects shall be directed to the Mayor and Council, shall be on eight and one-half by eleven inch white, unlined paper, shall be filed in duplicate, and shall contain a complete, detailed presentation of the planned unit development being proposed, including drawings and pictures to the extent available. The petition shall include, without limitation, the following information:
   (a)   The names and addresses of the petitioners, who shall be all of the persons who are record owners or beneficial owners of the land to be developed, excluding owners of severed minerals. If any petitioner is a partnership, joint venture, or corporation, the petition shall state the names of all beneficial owners thereof.
   (b)   A metes and bounds description of the land proposed to be developed.
   (c)   A description of the plan with designs and drawings thereof, if available, including type of architecture.
   (d)   A description of the type of use planned for each building.
   (e)   The construction schedule.
   (f)    If residential, the number, type and size of the dwelling units and a commitment as to whether the units will be sold or leased.
   (g)   Type of construction involved in each building.
   (h)   There shall be attached to the petition an accurate map, drawn to scale, of not less than 100 feet to the inch, showing the boundaries of the site; names and dimensions of all streets bounding or touching on the site; the proposed location and horizontal and vertical dimensions of all buildings and structures proposed to be located on the site; proposed locations and dimensions of open spaces, if any, within the site; proposed public dedication, if any, within the site including utility lines and easements, sanitary sewer lines and easements, and storm sewer lines and easements; sidewalks; locations, dimensions and design of off-street parking facilities showing points of ingress and egress from the site; the locations, direction and bearing of any major physiographic features such as railroads, drainage canals and shorelines, and existing topographic contours at intervals of not more than five feet with proposed grading, drainage and landscaping. Whenever approved plans cannot be followed, modifications may be approved by the Commission and Council.
   (i)   The explanatory text shall contain a written statement of the general purposes of the project and an explanation of all features pertaining to uses and other pertinent matters not readily identifiable in map form.
   (j)   Proposed perimeter treatment as it affects adjacent areas, including land on opposite sides of streets, along with names of owners of all adjacent land whether or not separated by a street.
(Ord. 310. Passed 9-16-96.)