(a)   Procedure for Approval.
      (1)   A development plan, including both maps and text, shall be submitted with the petition to the Mayor and Council and referred to the Planning Commission for approval and recommendations of the Commission. The Commission shall proceed in accordance with Section 1309.02 Planning Commission Review to consider the petition, its attachments, and such evidence as petitioners or protesters may choose to present. After arriving at its decision, the Commission shall present its recommendations to Council in writing, which recommendations shall comply with the development policies of the official plan of the City and the zoning classification of which the Planned Unit Development District is to be part of. Recommendations of the Commission may be absolute or conditional, adding to or deleting from the provisions of the application. The petition and attachments shall be prepared so as to comply also with the Subdivision Regulations of the City, so that the subdivision review may be carried out simultaneously with the development plan review.
      (2)   Upon receipt of the Commission's recommendations, Council shall consider the petition with all attachments and other documents or information submitted to the Commission, with the Commission's report on recommendations, and approves or rejects the application as transmitted, or returns the matter to the Commission for further study in accordance with Council's directions. Approval by Council shall constitute a limitation on the use and design of the site to the terms of the approved District.
      (3)   The development resulting from the application of the provisions of this section shall be made a part of the Zoning Map and identified thereon by appropriate reference to the detailed planned unit development map and explanatory text, if any, either by number or by symbol.
   (b)   Amendment. Prior to completion, the development plan may be amended on petition of the person or persons developing the plan, addressed to the Mayor and Council, having the same information included or attached which is required to be submitted with the original petition. The petition shall be referred to the Commission and all procedures shall be the same as for initiating petitions.
   (c)   Expiration.
      (1)   If construction of the plan is not commenced in good faith within one year from the date of the District becoming effective, authorization for the plan shall expire and Council shall forthwith take all action necessary to remove the District from the Zoning Map. No action shall be taken by the developer in furtherance of the plan after the date the authorization expires.
      (2)   Otherwise, the District shall remain in existence and effect and being on the land affected, regardless of whether or not development is proceeded with or completed until Council shall by appropriate action remove the District from the Zone Map.
(Ord. 310. Passed 9-16-96.)