The I-1 Industrial District is established to provide for light manufacturing, processing, large storage, wholesaling and distribution operations providing for growth of the economic base of the City. This district shall provide for operations which are relatively free of objectionable and dangerous influences or ones whose obnoxious features are capable of being readily and adequately controlled by appropriate devices, thus safeguarding surrounding areas.
   (a)   Principal Permitted Uses.
      (1)   Testing or research laboratory;
      (2)   Public utility services and structures;
      (3)   Light manufacturing, assembly or packaging;
      (4)   Wholesale business, storage and warehousing;
      (5)   Woodworking, electrical sales and contracting, plumbing sales, furniture repair and custom upholstery, metal working and contracting;
      (6)   Large-scale laundering, cleaning and dyeing establishments;
      (7)   Manufacturing of awnings, venetian blinds and shades;
      (8)   Truck terminal;
      (9)   Business service shop such as blueprinting, accounting, duplicating or employment agency;
      (10)   Commercial parking lot or garage;
      (11)   Automotive, truck, farm implement and trailer repair and/or servicing, including collision service body work and overall painting;
      (12)   Carpentry, painting, plumbing or tinsmithing shop;
      (13)   Printing or engraving;
      (14)   The manufacture, assembly, parking or treatment of articles or merchandise from previously prepared materials;
      (15)   Distribution plants, parcel delivery and service industries;
      (16)   Lumber and building materials sales and storage yards allowing outdoor storage of materials;
      (17)   Contractors equipment, sales and service;
      (18)   Tool, die and pattern making, and other machine shop operations;
      (19)   Boat building;
      (20)   Railroad yards or terminal facilities;
      (21)   Other uses similar to those enumerated as above;
      (22)   Retail uses pursuant to C-1 or C-2 Districts; (see Section 1313.04 or Section 1313.05)
      (23)   Community Center
   (b)   Permitted Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a principal permitted use such as incidental storage facilities
      (2)   Residence of a watchman, custodian or caretaker employed on the premises
   (c)   Special Use. The following special uses are permitted subject to review by the Board.
      (1)   Automobile salvage and wrecking operations, outdoor storage and junk yards provided that such operation is conducted not less than 200 feet from any Residential District boundary and provided that all operations are conducted behind a solid wall or fence not less than eight feet high and maintained in good repair and offering both visual and sound screening.
      (2)   Any other use deemed by the Board as compatible with existing uses, including additions and such uses, under appropriate conditions and safeguards, as are deemed appropriate to the Board and not likely to adversely affect adjoining or adjacent uses.
      (3)   Any business activity which includes the sale, storage and/or use of hazardous materials as a major aspect of its operation. Hazardous materials are any materials included on the most current National Fire Protection Association table 325M entitled Fire Hazard Properties of Flammable Liquids, Gases and Volatile Solids.
         (Ord. 310. Passed 9-16-96.)
      (4)   Single family dwellings (Ord. 446. Passed 10-21-19.)
   (d)   Minimum Lot Area, Frontage and Yard Requirements. As provided in CHART 4: Commercial Buildings following a Article 1331. Other uses, as established elsewhere.
   (e)   Off-Street Parking Spaces. As provided in Section 1317.06.
      (Ord. 310. Passed 9-16-96.)