(a)   A person exercising any privilege taxable under Section 755.25 or 755.26 and engaging in the business of selling his natural resources in the City shall be required to make return of the gross proceeds of such retail sales and pay the tax imposed in Section 755.27 for the privilege of engaging in the business of selling such natural resources in the City. However, any person exercising any privilege taxable under Section 755.25 or 755.26 and engaging in the business of selling his natural resources to producers of natural resources, jobbers, retailers or commercial consumers for use or consumption in the purchaser’s business shall not be required to pay the tax imposed in Section 755.27.
(Ord. 476. Passed 11-7-22.)
   (b)   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former subsection (b) was deleted by Ordinance 476, passed November 7, 2022.)
   (c)   A person exercising privileges taxable under the other sections of this article, producing coal, oil, natural gas, minerals, timber or other natural resource products, the production of which is taxable under Section 755.25 and using or consuming the same in his business or transferring or delivering the same as any royalty payment, in kind or the like, shall be deemed to be engaged in the business of mining and producing coal, oil, natural gas, minerals, timber or other natural resource products for sale, profit or commercial use and shall be required to make returns on account of the production of the business, showing the gross proceeds or equivalent in accordance with uniform and equitable rules for determining the value upon which privilege tax shall be levied, corresponding as nearly as possible to the gross proceeds from the sale of similar products of like quality or character by other taxpayers, which rules the collector shall prescribe.
(Ord. 203. Passed 5-17-76.)