(a) Definitions. As used in this section:
(1) "Carrier," "railroad" or "railroad company" means a common carrier by railroad.
(2) "Train" or "trains" means engines, cars and any type of railroad equipment or rolling stock, or any part thereof, capable of blocking any crossing of a railroad track or tracks and any public street, road or highway.
(b) Blocking of Crossing Prohibited; Time Limit.
(1) No railroad company, except in an emergency, shall order, allow or permit the operation of or operate its system so that a train blocks the passage of vehicular traffic over the railroad crossing of any public street, road or highway for a period longer than ten minutes. This subsection does not apply to an obstruction of any such street, road or highway caused by a continuously moving train or caused by circumstances wholly beyond the control of the railroad, but does apply to all other obstructions as aforesaid, including, but not limited to, those caused by a stopped train or a train engaged in switching, loading or unloading operations.
(2) Upon receiving notification from a law-enforcement officer, member of a fire department, operator of an emergency medical vehicle, or a member of an emergency services provider that emergency circumstances require the immediate clearing of a public highway railroad grade crossing, the members of the train crew of the train, railroad car or equipment, or engine blocking such crossing shall immediately notify the appropriate railroad dispatcher of the pending emergency situation. Upon receipt of notice of such emergency circumstances by the train crew or dispatcher, the railroad shall immediately clear the crossing, consistent with the safe operation of the train.
(c) Responsibility of Railroad Company. The railroad company shall be solely responsible for the acts of its agents and employees in violating any provision of this section.
(d) Presumption. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a train is operated by the carrier whose marks, numbers, signs and symbols of identification appear on the engine or caboose of such train.
(e) Service of Process. Process issuing for a violation of this section may be served upon the engineer or conductor of the train causing a violation of the provisions of this section or any other officer, agent or attorney-in-fact of the railroad company authorized by law to receive service of summons or other process issuing against such railroad company.
(WVaC Art. 31-2A)