Concerning anything for which a state license is now or may hereafter be required, said Council may require a City license therefore, and may impose a tax thereon for the use of the City; and the Council shall have, and is hereby granted, the sale and exclusive power to grant, refuse or revoke any such license or the license of the owners or keepers of hotels, hacks, carts, wagons, drays and every description of wheeled vehicles kept or used for hire within the City, and to levy and collect a tax thereon and to subject the same to such regulations as the interest and convenience of the inhabitants of said City, in the opinion of the Council, may require; to license and tax owners and keepers of dogs within the City and provide for the killing of dogs, the keeping of which is not so licensed; to license and tax hawkers, peddlers, book agents and canvassers of all kinds within said City, and persons who temporarily station themselves on the streets to sell or exhibit articles, and to license and impose a tax on any other business, occupation or profession, and the owners thereof, or the person, persons or corporation conducting the same, whether specifically mentioned herein or not, not contrary to the Constitution of the State of West Virginia. When any such license as hereinbefore mentioned is granted by said Council, said Council may, by ordinance, impose a tax thereon for the use of the City, the amount of which shall be left to the discretion of the Council. The Council shall prescribe, by ordinance, the manner in which licenses of all kinds shall be applied for and granted, and shall require the payment of the tax thereon to be made to the properly designated official of the City before delivering to the person applying therefor.