The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council and be entitled to participate in discussion of the Council, but shall not have a vote; shall exercise authority and perform such duties as are conferred upon him or imposed upon him by this Charter and by the ordinances of the City and the laws and Constitution of the State of West Virginia. He shall be the official head of the City for all ceremonial purposes. He shall see that orders, bylaws, ordinances and resolutions of the Council are faithfully executed; he shall have power, during recess of the regular meeting for the Council, to appoint special police officers when he shall deem it necessary, and it shall be his duty to see that the peace and good order of the City are preserved and that persons and property therein are protected; and to this end he may arrest, detain, or cause the arrest and detention of any riotous or disorderly persons in the City before issuing his warrant therefor. He shall have power to issue executions for all fines, penalties and costs imposed by him or he may require the immediate payment therefor. And in all cases where a person is sentenced to imprisonment or to the payment of a fine of ten dollars or more (and in no case shall a judgment for a fine of less than ten dollars be given by the Mayor if the defendant, his agent or attorney objects thereto) such person shall be allowed an appeal from such decision to the Criminal Court of Marion County, upon the execution of an appeal bond, with surety deemed sufficient by the Mayor, in a penalty double the amount of the fine and costs imposed by the Mayor, with the condition that the person proposing to appeal will perform and satisfy any judgement which may be rendered against him by the said Court on such appeal. If such appeal be taken, the warrant of arrest (if there be any), the transcript of judgment, the appeal bond and other papers of the case, shall be forthwith delivered by the Mayor to the Clerk of said Court, and the Court shall proceed to try the case as upon indictment or presentment, and render such judgment, including that of the costs as the law and the evidence may require.
   In cases of sickness or disability of the Mayor, or in case of his temporary absence, the Councilman-at-large shall perform the duties of Mayor and shall be vested with all the powers necessary for the performance of such duties. In case of the absence of both the Mayor and Councilman-at-large, the Council may select one of the other Councilmen to act at the Council’s meeting, in place of the Mayor.
   It shall be the duty of the Mayor to advise the Council with respect to future plans and physical needs, keep the Council informed concerning the current physical condition of the City, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by this Charter, by order of the Council not inconsistent with this Charter or with general law.