A.   Jurisdiction Of Court: The City Court in the Town shall have concurrent original jurisdiction in proceedings concerning the unlawful operation within the Town of motor vehicles by children under the age of eighteen (18) years. Whenever, after a hearing before the Court, it shall be found that a child under the age of eighteen (18) years has unlawfully operated a motor vehicle within the Town, the Court may:
      1.   Fine: Impose a fine;
      2.   Revoke License: Revoke the driver's license of such child, or suspend the same for such time as may be fixed by the Court; and
      3.   Impound Vehicle:
         a.   Order any motor vehicle owned or operated by such child to be impounded by the probation officer for such time, not exceeding sixty (60) days, as shall be fixed by the Court; provided, however, that if the Court shall find that the operation of such motor vehicle was without the consent of the owner, then such vehicle shall not be impounded.
         b.   Upon nonpayment of any fine herein provided for, the Court may order that any motor vehicle owned by said child or operated by said child with the consent of the owner shall be impounded until the fine shall be paid, or may order that the driver's license of such child shall be taken up and held by the probation officer until payment of said fine, or may cause both said motor vehicle and said driver's license to be taken up and impounded until such fine shall be paid; but no child shall be committed to or held in any detention facility or jail by reason of nonpayment of such fine. (1977 Code § 10.48.060)
   B.   Summons: Whenever any child under the age of eighteen (18) years shall unlawfully operate a motor vehicle in the presence of any police officer of the Town, such officer may deliver to said child a form of summons describing the nature of the offense, with instructions thereon to report to the City Court of the Town; and the Court shall be informed thereof by the delivery of a copy of said summons to the probation officer, who shall in turn deliver the same to the Judge or Justice of the Peace. (1977 Code § 10.48.070; amd. 2000 Code)
   C.   Investigation And Disposition: Whenever the Court shall be informed that a child has unlawfully operated a motor vehicle, said child shall be required to appear before the Court and the Court shall, after a hearing and investigation, take action as provided in subsection A of this Section, or may dismiss the proceeding if it be found and determined that it is for the best interests of the child so to do. (1977 Code § 10.48.080)