A.   License:
      1.   License Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, or maintain any dog over six (6) months of age unless such dog is duly licensed in the town or deemed exempt as herein provided. Licenses shall be obtained at the town office.
      2.   Vaccination Certificate Required: Before a license is issued, the owner of such dog must present a certificate from a veterinarian stating that such dog has received a rabies vaccination. The certificate must show that the rabies vaccination will cover the full licensing period.
   B.   License Tags:
      1.   Application; Fee: The owner shall make an application for a dog license and pay the required fee.
      2.   Issuance Of Tag: The owner will receive a license tag imprinted with the license number and the year issued.
      3.   Worn By Dog: The license and rabies tag shall be attached to a collar and worn by the dog for whom it was issued.
      4.   Transfer Of Tag Prohibited: Dog licenses are not transferable from one dog to another.
   C.   Term Of License: Every dog or kennel which is required to be licensed under this section shall have an annual license. Licenses herein provided shall be due and payable on or before January 1 of each year and delinquent on March 1 of each year. All licenses shall expire on December 31 of the year of issuance. (1977 Code § 8.04.020; amd. 2000 Code)
   D.   Exemptions:
      1.   Exempt From Being Licensed: The following dogs are exempt from being licensed:
         a.   Any dog temporarily within the town for thirty (30) days or less, whose owner, keeper, or possessor is a nonresident. (Ord. 07-009, 7-10-2007)
      2.   Exempt From License Fees: The following dogs shall be licensed, but exempt from fees:
         a.   Any dog properly trained to assist the blind or deaf and is acting in that capacity.
         b.   Any government owned police service dog. (1977 Code § 8.04.020; amd. 2000 Code)
   E.   Kennels:
      1.   Prohibited; Exceptions; Definition: There shall be no "kennels" allowed within the town limits of the town of Manhattan, except as provided below. "Kennel" means any premises where more than two (2) adult dogs are permanently kept. "Adult dog" means any dog over the age of six (6) months.
      2.   Number Of Dogs Allowed: Two (2) adult dogs are allowed for each residence. An application to keep, harbor or maintain more than two (2) adult dogs at a residence must be made to and approved by the town council. Approval may be given, in the discretion of the town council, on a case by case basis, and in accordance with the requirements set out below. Application for each dog over the two (2) allowed, must be made separately.
      3.   Requirements; Permit Application, Fee:
         a.   The application must be accompanied by written approval (i.e., petition format) of the application by eighty percent (80%) of the property owners within two hundred feet (200') in any direction from the property line of the residence of the applicant. Names and addresses of the property owners and/or occupants shall be supplied by the applicant.
         b.   Each application must be accompanied by a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00). In addition, thirty dollars ($30.00) will be paid to the town of Manhattan for each renewal. This results in a charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each application for each dog, and thirty dollars ($30.00) for each renewal for each dog. (Ord. 269, 3-6-2001)
         c.   If granted, the permit must be renewed each year. All new and existing permits must be renewed on or before February 1 of each year. The renewal must be accompanied by written approval as set out under subsection E3a of this section and the renewal fee.
The town council may review any permit granted under this section upon formal complaint about the dogs and/or against the person holding the permit. In the event that a complaint is made and is substantiated, the permit may be revoked by the town council. In the event the permit is revoked, the dog owner shall then have no longer than thirty (30) days to remove any animals in excess of the number allowed by law. (Ord. 07-009, 7-10-2007)
      4.   Renewal: All permits, either granted under this subsection E or previously, must be renewed on an annual basis. Renewals shall be made before February 1 of each year.
      5.   Violation; Fines: It is unlawful to have more than two (2) dogs harbored or maintained on a premises without a current permit. If, after ninety (90) days of notice of violation of this subsection E, more than two (2) dogs remain on the premises, the fine doubles for each dog over the allowed two (2). (Ord. 269, 3-6-2001)
Violation of this subsection E is punishable as set forth in section 1-4-2 of this code.
   F.   Fees:
Spayed females or neutered males
Unaltered male or female
Impound fee
plus the costs of impound
Kennel fee (see subsection E3b of this section)
(Ord. 07-009, 7-10-2007)