(A)   It shall be the duty of the owner named on the permit required by § 51.26 to notify the Village Inspector prior to the covering of any portion of a connecting sewer line that the sewer line is ready for its first inspection.
   (B)   (1)   The Inspector shall thereupon and within 24 hours after receipt of the owner’s notice conduct his or her inspection.
      (2)   If the Inspector finds that any portion of the connecting sewer has been covered he or she shall require the owner to uncover the sewer.
   (C)   Upon determining that the connecting sewer has been constructed according to the provisions of this chapter and of the permit issued for the sewer, the Inspector shall indicate on the permit his or her approval for covering the sewer and connection with the main sewer.
   (D)   Within 72 hours after approval for covering is given, the covering shall be completed and the Village Inspector shall make his or her final inspection of the connecting sewer and shall note his or her findings on the permit.
(Ord. 247, passed 2-2-2004)