(A)   On the same premises with every building or part thereof, erected and occupied for any uses involving the receipt or distribution of trucks and/or delivery vehicles, material or merchandise, adequate space for loading and unloading shall be provided in accordance with the following.
   (B)   (1)   Loading and unloading space. The loading and unloading space, unless completely and adequately provided for within a building, shall be an area 10 feet by 50 feet, with 14-foot height clearance, and shall be provided according to the following schedule.
Gross Floor Area of Building (Square Feet)
Required Loading and Unloading Spaces
0 - 2,000
2,000 - 20,000
1 space
20,000 - 100,000
1 space plus 1 space for each 20,000 square feet in excess of 20,000 square feet
100,000 - 500,000
5 spaces plus 1 space for each 40,000 square feet in excess of 100,000 square feet
Over 500,000
15 spaces plus 1 space for each 80,000 square feet in excess of 500,000 square feet
      (2)   Required greenbelt, setbacks, and screening.
         (a)   Off-street loading areas, including maneuvering lanes, shall not be located within the front greenbelt required in accordance with § 151.101. Off-street parking shall be permitted within the required side or rear yard setbacks, provided a minimum 10-foot setback is maintained between off-street loading and the abutting side and rear lot lines.
         (b)   Off-street loading which abuts residentially zoned or used property shall be screened in accordance with § 151.101.
      (3)   Double count. Off-street loading space areas shall not be construed as, or counted toward, the supplying of area required as off-street parking space area.
(Ord. 239, passed 3-5-2001, § 9.6) Penalty, see § 151.999