Applicants for a license to operate a bed and breakfast shall submit a floor plan of the single-family dwelling unit illustrating that the proposed operation will comply with the Village Zoning Ordinance as amended, other applicable village codes and ordinances, and within the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 173, passed 8-7-1989)
After application is duly filed with the Village Building Inspector for a license under this section, the Planning Commission shall determine whether any further licenses shall be issued based upon the public need to protect neighborhoods from detrimental change and to encourage the occupancy and maintenance of historic building and structures by single-family owners. In the determination by the Planning Commission of the number of bed and breakfast operations required to provide for the public need, the Planning Commission shall consider the effect upon residential neighborhoods and public convenience, concentration, and location of existing license holders, and the necessity of the issuance of additional licenses.
(Ord. 173, passed 8-7-1989)
(A) The floor plan for the bed and breakfast operation shall be reviewed by the Village Building Inspector for compliance with all state and federal codes and ordinances. If the Village Building Inspector finds that an applicant cannot meet a particular requirement, then the Building Inspector shall have authority to deny the applicant a license.
(B) The denial may be appealed to the Manchester Village Council who may then weigh the facts of the case and make a final decision.
(Ord. 173, passed 8-7-1989)
(A) The Village Building Inspector shall have the authority to refuse to renew a license or to suspend or revoke a license for continued and repeated violations of the provisions of this chapter. A decision to deny a license may be appealed to the Village Council by the applicant. Any license issued under the provisions of this chapter may be revoked by the Village Council for good cause shown after investigation and opportunity to the holder of the license to be heard in opposition thereto; in the investigation the compliance or noncompliance with the state law and local ordinances, the conduct of the licensee in regard to the public, and other consideration shall be weighed in determination of the issue.
(B) Any license issued is nontransferable.
(Ord. 173, passed 8-7-1989)
It shall be a civil infraction to violate this chapter and penalty shall be assessed as provided in § 10.99.
(Ord. 173, passed 8-7-1989) Penalty, see § 10.99
The Village Clerk shall cause this amended chapter, or a summary of this amended chapter, to be published after it has been duly adopted by the Village Council. The effective date shall be 20 days after the date of passage or the date of publication, whichever occurs first.
(Ord. 173, passed 8-7-1989; Am. Ord. 258, passed 5-1-2006)