(A)   A person licensed under this title shall pay the fee prescribed, based on the gross square feet of area occupied by the business seeking such license as follows: For the first 1,500 square feet or fraction thereof, $50; plus $2 per 100 square feet or fraction thereof over 1,500 square feet, except that the maximum fee for any license shall be $1,000.
   (B)   The applicant for a license shall provide the City Clerk with the floor area from which the fee shall be computed and both the floor area and fee shall be indicated on the license. Misrepresentation of any information required to obtain a license shall be cause for revocation of the license without refund and a new business license must be applied for and issued for the business activity to be permitted.
   (C)   Exceptions and minimum fees. Persons outlined in this division shall not be required to pay fees pursuant to division (A) of this section, but shall, however, be licensed and/or pay fees as licensed herein:
      (1)   Persons licensed to conduct a circus, carnival, or other form of amusement or entertainment pursuant to Chapter 111 of this title shall pay a business license fee, for the use of the city, of $300. A license to conduct such activity in a hall shall be $50.
      (2)   Persons licensed as performers and exhibitors pursuant to §§ 111.80 and 111.81 of this title shall pay a business license fee of $10 for each day such person shall perform or exhibit. A license to conduct such activity in a hall not licensed under this title shall be $50. Any person who is employed by a sponsor or an establishment which holds a valid business license under this title shall not be required to obtain a license.
      (3)   A special event pursuant to § 111.66 for non- profit purposes and not receiving a fee exemption under § 110.08, shall pay a business license fee of $15 per day. All other applicants shall pay a business license fee of $100 per day.
      (4)   Persons licensed as peddlers pursuant to §§ 115.40 through 115.44 of this title shall pay an annual business license fee of $150, cash, money order, or bank check, or $25, cash, money order, or bank check for a temporary license, and meet the conditions set therein. Persons licensed as civic center peddlers pursuant to §§ 115.50 through 115.53 of this title shall pay an annual business license fee of $400, cash, money order, or bank check, or $75, cash, money order, or bank check for a temporary license, and meet the conditions set therein.
      (5)   Persons licensed to conduct a fair pursuant to § 115.60 of this title shall pay a business license fee of $300 for the first day and $50 for each additional day and meet the conditions set therein. Fair applicants proposing to operate as a farmer’s market shall pay a fee of $300 for the season (no more than 40 non-consecutive days within a year).
      (7)   A towing company licensed under this title pursuant to § 110.02(A) and located outside of the city shall pay an annual fee of $50.
(Ord. passed 3-7-95; Am. Ord. passed 6-4-96; Am. Ord. passed 11-7-01; Am. Ord. passed 4-18-17)