(A)   Purpose. The intent of off-street parking requirements is to provide convenient and safe access to property, alleviate hazards associated with access to traffic generating business and industrial uses, provide adequate and safe parking for residents and business customers, protect residential uses from the undesirable effects of abutting traffic and maintain the traffic carrying capacity of the road system serving the city area.
   (B)   Design.
      (1)   An off-street parking space shall be at least nine feet in width and 20 feet long.
      (2)   Off-street parking areas must be accessible from a public street.
      (3)   The access to an off-street parking area must be at least 24 feet wide, or 12 feet wide where two one-way drives are used.
      (4)   Off-street parking spaces serving residential uses must be located on the same lot as the dwelling, and may not be located in any front yard, except in the driveway.
      (5)   Off-street parking spaces serving commercial, industrial, public or institutional uses must be located within 500 feet of the use, and may not be located in required front yards.
   (C)   Number of spaces.
      (1)   Residential:
         (a)   Single-family and mobile home: two per dwelling unit; and
         (b)   Multiple-family: one and one-half per dwelling unit.
      (2)   Commercial:
         (a)   Service station: one per gasoline pump and two per service bay;
         (b)   Hotels, motels: one per sleeping room, plus one per five employees;
         (c)   Funeral homes, mortuaries: one per 100 square feet;
         (d)   Medical, dental, veterinary: four per doctor plus one per employee;
         (e)   Auto repair, body shops: two per service bay;
         (f)   Banks, financial institutions: one per 400 square feet of floor area, four stacking spaces per drive-up window;
         (g)   Restaurants, taverns: one per four seats, plus one per employee;
         (h)   Drive-in restaurants: one per 50 feet of floor area or a minimum of ten, whichever is greater;
         (i)   Offices - business, professional, governmental: one per 400 square feet of gross floor area;
         (j)   Bowling alleys: four per lane, plus one per employee;
         (k)   Theater: one per four seats, plus one per 200 square feet of gross floor area; and
         (l)   All other commercial uses: one per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
      (3)   Institutions:
         (a)   Churches: one per four seats;
         (b)   Libraries, museums: one per 400 square feet of floor area;
         (c)   Schools, elementary: two per classroom, plus one per eight seats in auditorium;
         (d)   Schools, secondary: one per four students plus one per teacher and employee; and
         (e)   Hospitals and nursing homes: one per two beds.
      (4)   Industrial uses: one per employee on largest shift, plus one for each vehicle used in the business.
(Prior Code, § 17.56.010) (Ord. 390, passed - -1993)