It is unlawful for any person to violate any of the following rules and regulations while at the skatepark.
   (A)   Use of the facility is only allowed during park hours (dawn to dusk). After hours use or use when closed will result in a trespass citation.
   (B)   All persons within the skatepark area must be alert and exercise common sense and courtesy to others. Skateparks are prone to flying objects and bodies. Know individual abilities and skate within them.
   (C)   Proper use of protective gear (helmets, wrist guards, elbow and knee pads) is strongly recommended. Concrete and steel are harder than an individual is.
   (D)   Skateboards and in-line skates and kids’ scooters only. Absolutely no bicycles or motor vehicles. Violations will result in trespass citations and possible seizure of equipment.
   (E)   No obstacles, other material, glass, food or drink is allowed in the skatepark. These items jeopardize the skaters.
   (F)   Do not skate if the surface is wet or icy. The skatepark surface is extremely dangerous when wet.
   (G)   No spectators inside the skating area. Spectators, please watch from outside the facility; it will be much safer there.
   (H)   Trash containers must be used to keep the park clean and safe. Help keep the skatepark clean. Use the trash cans; “you pack it in you pack it out”.
   (I)   Be considerate of the surrounding property and neighbors by skating only in the skatepark area. No loud music.
   (J)   Alcohol, tobacco products, drugs and offensive language are prohibited.
(Prior Code, § 12.32.030) (Ord. 446, passed - -2016) Penalty, see § 152.999