(A) Plumbing. Every dwelling unit shall contain a kitchen sink in good working condition and shall contain a room or compartment affording privacy which is equipped with a flush water closet and lavoratory basin in good working order, and shall contain a room affording privacy which is equipped with a bathtub or shower in good working order.
(B) Water supply. Every dwelling unit shall have a hot water system and be properly connected to the public water supply when inspected and approved by the Building Inspector.
(C) Sewage disposal. Every dwelling unit shall, within one year of the date of laying a lateral sewer main within 300 feet of the dwelling, be properly connected to the public sanitary sewer system.
(D) Heating. Every dwelling shall have a safe and properly operating heating system capable of raising room temperature in all parts of the dwelling to 70ºF during the minimum temperature months.
(E) Natural light and ventilation. Every habitable room in a dwelling unit shall have at least one openable window facing directly to outdoor open space, and the total window area shall be 10% of the floor area of the room. Every outer door, openable window or other outside opening shall be adequately screened for protection against flies, mosquitoes or other insects.
(F) Artificial lighting and electricity. Every habitable room shall contain at least one floor or wall-type electric convenience outlet and a ceiling lighting fixture or two electric convenience outlets; every water closet compartment, bathroom, hall and utility or service room shall contain at least one electric light fixture; and every stairway shall be safely lighted in conformity with the Building Code. All outlets and fixtures shall be connected to an approved source of electric power and maintained in safe working condition.
(G) Floor area. Every dwelling unit shall contain at least 600 square feet of habitable floor space.
(H) Structural soundness.
(1) Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof shall be constructed and maintained in a weatherproof and rodent-proof condition and shall be kept in good repair.
(2) Porches and stairs shall be constructed and maintained in safe condition and good repair, capable of safely supporting their normal load.
(I) Trash and rubbish disposal. Every dwelling unit shall be supplied with adequate facilities for the disposal of rubbish, garbage and waste in a clean and sanitary manner. The burning of rubbish or garbage in open incinerators is not permitted.
(J) Yards. All yards, vacant lots and other open space around a dwelling shall be maintained free of trash, high weeds, stagnant water, rubbish and mechanical equipment, including trucks and automobiles which have fallen into disuse.
(K) Basement occupancy prohibited. No basement or cellar shall be permitted to be the sole habitable space in a building.
(L) Trailer occupancy. No trailer shall be occupied for dwelling purposes except when located in a trailer camp, approved by the Village Board as specified in § 152.047.
(Ord. passed 9-10-1962)