(A)   In cases where the meter cannot be read for a limited period of time, for any cause, the village will require a payment on account equal to the estimated usual bill for the premises.
   (B)   In cases where, for any cause, the meter cannot be read for a period exceeding three months, the village will turn off the water upon five days written notice to the customer of its intention to do so, unless the customer makes access to the meter possible.
   (C)   The quantity recorded by the meter shall be taken to be the amount of water passing through the meter, which amount shall be conclusive to both the customer and the village, except when the meter has been found to be registering inaccurately or has ceased to register. In these cases, the quantity may be determined by the average registration or by the average registration of the new meter, whichever method is representative, in the village’s opinion of the conditions existing during the period in question.
   (D)   No rebates from rates will be allowed for partial use of water from wells, cisterns or other non-public water supply.
(Ord. 18-04-01, passed 4-24-2018)